Amy and Rocky are goung to hangout with Liam real parents

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Ricky is now talking
"Well, I guess you're right".

Amy is now talking
"Oh, you know that I am".

Ricky is now talking
"Yeah, I know that you are".

Amy is now talking
"So what do you know? Maybe when we go home, we might have Liam with us

Ricky is now talking
"Yeah maybe".

Amy is now talking
"Wait what was that a maybe coming out of your mouth".

Ricky is now talking
"No, it was not".

Amy is now talking
"Yeah, it was but right now we need to go come on Ricky we are going to be late thank you for looking after the kids for us Eaten".

Ethan is now talking
"That's ok but I have to leave in an hour".

Ricky is now talking
"And we know that, so that is why I call Nora to come over in an hour so you can do what you need to do".

Amy is now talking
"Ok so, you 4 have fun".

Ethan is now talking
"Ok we will".

Amy is now talking
"Bye kids".

Daisy is now talking
"Bye mummy bye daddy".

John is now talking
"Bye mum bye dad".

Jaffa is now talking
"Bye Amy bye Ricky".

Ethan is now talking
"Ok, who wants ice cream?"

"Us". All the kids said

Ethan is now talking
"Then come on, maybe after that we can go to the park".

"Can we". All of the kids said

Ethan is now talking
"Yeah, we can".

Ricky is now talking
"Can Ethan really look after our kids?"

Amy is now talking
"Well, it is Ethan or no one at all and it's only for an hour".

Ricky is now talking
"Yeah, you are right".

Amy is now talking
"Oh I know that and I am and I do not need you to tell me that".

Ricky is now talking
"Oh really".

Amy is now talking
"Yes, really and you can't tickle me this time".

Ricky is now talking
"Oh, you're lucky this time".

Amy is now talking
"Oh I know that I am".

Ricky is now talking
"But I do not know if Ethan should be looking after them".

Amy is now talking
"Oh, come Ricky I really want to go and I want to hang out with our friends or I will go without you".

Ricky is now talking

Amy is now talking
Good oh and you are driving

Ricky is now talking
"Can't you drive".

Amy is now talking
"Fine, give me the keys".

Ricky is now talking
"Here you go".

Amy is now talking
"As he chucked the keys at me. In the car Ricky I need to tell you something".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok what is it".

Amy is now talking
"My baby bump came".

Ricky is now talking
"When did it come?"

Amy is now talking
"Today when I asked you if you wanted to know why I was having a shower".

Ricky is now talking
"Oh I am so sorry Amy".

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