Amy want to adopt 2 boys but Ricmy will not let her adopt the other boy

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Amy is now talking
"Oh and Ricky".

Ricky is now talking
"Yes, my love".

Amy is now talking
"I think that we should adopt 2 boys".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok just tell me who".

Amy is now talking
"ok there are 2 boys named Liam and Jaffa".

Amy is now talking
"Umm how about we just adopt Jaffa and Liam".

Ricky is now talking
"No Liam".

Amy is now talking
"And why not Liam".

Ricky is now talking
"Umm because he does havecancer and how can we look after a boy who does havecancer".

Amy is now talking
"I do not know Ricky and you sound like his parents the one who left him please let adopt him".

Ricky is now talking
"No Amy, we are not adopting a boy who does have cancer and Jaffa feels different than everyone else".

Amy is now talking
"So that's why he wants to talk to a lawyer and he got Adrian and when she met him, I told her that I want to adopt a child and I want to adopt him".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok I will talk to my mum but we are not adopting Liam".

Amy is now talking
"Thank you and can we?"

Ricky is now talking
"No, we are not".

Amy is now talking
"Ricky". My dad could not eat with us because something happened that he needed to fix so that is why he is not talking.

Ricky is now talking
"No Amy".

Amy is now talking
"fine if I am going to the bathroom I will be back".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok love you".

Amy is now talking
"And you know that I love you too".

George is now talking
"Why are you saying you love you even if she is going to the bathroom?".

Ricky is now talking
"Because why not George and where did you come from .

George is now talking
"You do not have to worry about that now, just answer this question: why do you not want to adopt a little boy who does havecancer? Just answer the question

Ricky is now talking
"fine and because George I do not know if we can look after a little boy who does havecancer while Amy is pregnant".

George is now talking
"Ok if you say so".

Amy is now talking
"Thank you for dinner dad and also thank you for talking to Ricky ".

George is now talking
"Anytime Amy and he did not tell me".

Amy is now talking
"Thanks anyways dad".

George is now talking
"Even if I did not do anything".

Amy is now talking
"Even if you did not do anything".
Ricky is now talking
"Hey what are you guys talking about".

Amy is now talking
"Oh nothing".

George is now talking
"Yeah, thank you George".

George is now talking
"Anytime Ricky and Amy".

Amy is now talking
"Yes, dad, I am so happy for you".

Amy is now talking
"Thank dad".

George is now talking
"Bye guys".

Amy is now
"Bye dad".

Ricky is now talking
"Bye George".

George is now talking
"Hey I will be in my office".

the waiter man is now talking

Amy is now talking
"Ricky quickly went in and paid".

Ricky is now talking
"Hey the table over there and quickly".

the waiter man is now talking
"But the boss pays for this food?"

Ricky is now talking
"Yes he did but we want to".

the waiter man is now talking
"Ok that will be 24 dollars and 5 cents".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok here you go".

the waiter man is now talking
"Thank you and have a nice day".

Ricky is now talking
"You to man".

Amy is now talking
"So did you do it".

Ricky is now talking
"Yes I did".

Amy is now talking
"Did you have fun?"

Ricky is now talking
"Oh yeah I did".

Amy is now talking
"Quick let go before my dad fine out".

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