Ricky is about to get mad about what

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Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Umm ok so, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Nurse Mayright is now talking
"Selena is on her day off and she is not answering her phone".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"What do you mean by she is not answering her phone?"

Nurse Mayright is now talking
"Ok I need you to stay calm".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this

Ricky forgot that Liam need to use something

Nurse Mayright is now talking
"Did the call button just go off?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Yes, it did".

Nurse Mayright is now talking
"It is coming from Liam's room but why did he press on the call button".

Doctor Juergens Underwoodis saying this
"Because he needs to go to the bathroom if you do not know what a call button is then I will tell you a call button is a remote that every patient has in their room if they press it if they want something or something is wrong or their dip is done things like that anyways back to the story".

Nurse Mayright is now talking
"Can't he just get up and use it".

Doctor Juergens Underwoodis now talking
"Not when he is too weak to move or walk".

Nurse Mayright is now talking
"So how can you use the toilet".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"I am going to help him to go to the toilet and can you please give me a dip bag of water and blood".

Nurse Mayright is now talking
"Yes, so I get his blood type right?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Yes, please". Now I need to go before he does it in pants "ok Liam I need you to put your hands around my neck".

I am now talking even if I can't talk that good yet
"W why".

Doctor Juergens Underwoodis now talking
"Because I am going to carry you to the toilet".

I am now talking
"A are you s sure?"

Doctor Juergens Underwoodis now talking
"Yes, I am now coming on".

I am now talking
"O ok".

Doctor Juergens Underwoodis now talking
"So, he carried me to the toilet I put his pants down and then put him in the toilet".

I am now talking
"I am d done doc Doctor Juergens Underwood". He got some wipes and help me to clear my hands and my bum, then he carried me back to my bed I was so tired that I felt like I was going to sleep on Doctor Juergens Underwood and I do not know why I felt like I am so weak that I could not move then Doctor Juergens Underwood put me back to bed in till I heard a deep deep deep, noise Doctor Juergens Underwood told me that he needs to go to do check up on another patient, and that he will be back so I took out a book and draw but you know what it was weird that I want to do it but I could not move my hands Nurse Hunter is now in my room so he can to do a check-up on me. "Nurse Hunter".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Yes Liam".

I am now talking
"Why can't I move my hands?"

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Well that is because a nurse put something in you that she should have not done and because of that you can't move you feel so weak that you can't do anything even if you really want to".

Liam want to move so he can draw but that is not happening

I am now talking
"I try to move my hands but it is so hard I can draw but that didn't happening at all I was about to cry knowing that I can't move my body at all it was making me upset and when Nurse Hunter came to do a check up on me, he had to move me just so he could do it I try to help him but I just couldn't do it and he wrote something on my chart they do that only it when, something bad happened maybe telling something me that I can't move.

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Hey little man".

I am now talking
"Hey Doctor Juergens Underwood".

DoctorJuergens Underwood is now talking
"What do we have here Liam?.

I am now talking
"Yes, Doctor Juergens Underwood".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Is it true that you cannot move your body?"

I am now talking
"Yes, it is true, wait".

Doctor Juergens Underwoodis now talking

I am now talking
"Wait, you already know that, did you know that?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Yes, I did, I just want to know if you will remember that and you did".

I am now talking
"Doctor Juergens Underwood I want to draw but I can't".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Why not Liam?"

I am now talking
"Because I can't move my body or my hands to do anything".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"That's because".

I am now talking
"I know why Doctor Juergens Underwood but I just want to know who did it Doctor Juergens Underwood".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"It was nurse Selena".

I am now talking
"So, she is the reason that I can't draw".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking

I am now talking
"I do not know why I can't remember even if we talk for 5 second "Doctor Juergens Underwood, do we know who it is?"

Doctor Juergens Underwoodis now talking
"Yes, Liam we know who it is but we are not blaming her and it is not nice to blame anyone Liam maybe it was a mistake you do but know".

I am now talking
"But I really want to draw".

Doctor Juergens Underwoodis now talking
"I know you do but it takes time".

Nurse Tallawang is now talking
"Doctor Juergens Underwood".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking

Nurse Tallawang is now talking
"We have a 915".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"I am on the way so that means something bad might happen if we do not go to do it fast, I will be back".

I am now talking
"As soon as Doctor Juergens Underwood was gone, I was trying to turn myself in. When I finally did, I saw 2 bags, one was water and the other one was blood. Why are there 2 bags I do but know".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"What is a 915 well is that someone is having a seizure and they either need me to put in the needle or they either need me to hold that person down but they just need me to hold her down so I did".

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