Amy tells Kathleen that she is pregnant

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Amy is now talking
"Do you mind if I go and talk to Kathleen about something?"

Ricky is now talking
"All right but be quick".

Amy is now talking
"Maybe I will maybe maybe I will not Kathleen".

Kathleen is now talking
"Amy, are you ok?"

Any is now talking
"Yes, I am don't worried".

Kathleen is now talking
"Ok then how can I help you"

Amy is now talking
"Well, I have something to tell you".

Kathleen is now talking
"Ok and that is?"

Amy is now talking
"I am pregnant with twins!" I am so excited that I could not keep in touch with her.

Kathleen is now talking
"Oh, I know that your dad tells me".

Amy is now talking
"Well, I tell him not to tell you great and now you know, do you know that Grace is?"

Kathleen is now talking
"Yes, I know Amy, she tells me this morning".

Amy is now talking
"Well, I guess the surprise is wound".

Kathleen is now talking
"Yeah, it is I am sorry Amy!" Now I am sad I was so excited from before but now I am not.

Amy is now talking
"Don't be well I have to go now bye Kathleen!"

Kathleen is now talking
"Bye Amy GEORGE".

George is going to get in trouble from Kathleen

Tom is now talking
"Oh, you are in trouble".

George is now talking
"Thank Tom, I already know that did you have to mention it".

Tom is now talking
"Yes I did have to mention it".

George is now talking
"Do you have to mention it".

Tom is now talking
"Yes I do can I please go to Tammy house".

George is now talking
"Yeah, sure you can go".

Tom is now talking
"Thank bye".

George is now talking
"See you Tom".

Kathleen is now talking
"Hey Tom, where are you going?"

Tom is now talking
"To Tammy house can I go".

Kathleen is now talking
"Sure, you can, do you know where George is".

Tom is now talking
"Yeah, he is in my room".

Kathleen is now talking
"Thank Tom, have fun but not too much fun".

George is now talking
"Yes, mum I know".

George is now talking
"Why did you tell me that Amy is pregnant?"

George is now talking
"Great Tom rat me out".

Kathleen is now talking
"And it is a good thing too".

George is now talking
"Well I am going to tell him that he can't go".

Kathleen is now talking
"Well to late for that".

George is now talking

Kathleen is now talking
"Because he already went".

George is now talking
"Well then I am going to get him no you are not now tell me why can't I tell you?"

Kathleen is now talking
"Because George she wanted to tell me and she told you not to tell not to tell me".

George is now talking
"I know but I couldn't help myself".

Kathleen is now talking
"Yeah, I know that you could not help yourself".

Kathleen is now talking
"Because she was excited to tell me and now that I know that you are happy for them but I just got in her life not as her step mum but she can come to me and tell me anything".

George is now talking
"I am so sorry".

Kathleen is now talking
"That is ok I know that you did not mean it".

George is now talking
"So, you do forgive me".

Kathleen is now talking
"Yes, I forgive you and always will".

George is now talking
"Thank you".

Kathleen is now talking

Kathleen is now talking
"So, you do know that Grace is pregnant as well".

George is now talking
"No, I did not know that".

Kathleen is now talking
"Oh, I am so sorry".

George is now talking
"Don't be maybe she will tell me when she is ready".

Kathleen is now talking
"Yeah, maybe she will".

Kathleen call Grace to tell her why did she not tell George that she is pregnant as well

Kathleen is now talking

Grace is now talking
"Oh, hey mum".

Kathleen is now talking
"Oh don't you say hey mum me young lady why did you not tell George that you are pregnant as well".

Grace is now talking
"Because why should I? He is not my dad, he is my step dad and you should know that".

Kathleen is now talking
"Yes, I know that Grace but he feels like he is your dad not as your step dad that how I feel like with Amy maybe you should say sorry".

Grace is now talking
"Yeah, you're right, maybe I will say sorry bye".

"See you Grace".

Jack is now talking
"So, are you really going to tell George that you are sorry?"

Grace is now talking
"Maybe maybe not".

Jack is now talking
"Grace, I think you should my step dad is like a dad to me yes, I know that he is your step dad but you learn how he feels that you did not tell him that you are pregnant or that you do not trust him as a real dad yet even if he is married to your mum".

Grace is now talking
"Ok I will tell him I am sorry".

Jack is now talking
"Ok good do you want me to drop you off".

Grace is now talking
"No, I am good, hey George".

When Grace tell George that she is sorry

George is now talking
"Grace, what are you doing here are you ok?"

Grace is now talking this is where you can have a break
"Yes, I am ok don't worry I am sorry that I did not tell you that I am pregnant".

George is now talking
"That is ok I get it Amy did not tell you mum that she is pregnant".

Grace is now talking this is where you can have a break
"So when did she did tell her".

George is now talking
"Today I have already told your mum before Amy did it".

Grace is now talking
"Oh poor Amy".

George is now talking
"Yeah poor Amy but thank for telling that you are sorry".

Grace is now talking
"That is ok so do you want to hangout out".

George is now talking
"Oh, you know that I do".

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