Chapter 3: Fear and Dead Men

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Class 1-A has arrived at the USJ building. They were introduced to the pro-hero 13, who plans to guide them throughout their rescue exercises. They entered inside the USJ building. Inside was very huge, there were dummy lakes with water, and what looked like a real forest, mockup of crumbled buildings, etc. as they began to head upstairs, it begins...

Aizawa: Alright class, it's time to begi-

They were interrupted by a purple mist that turned out to be a portal. A man covered with hands walks of the portal, along with all kinds of intimidating people.

Kirishima: Has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people.

Aizawa: Stay back! Those are real villains!

Out of the portal comes a huge muscular creature with a beak and its brain sticking out, standing alongside the villain with hands, known as Shigaraki. This is going to be a fight for Class 1-A's lives, or so they thought.


Vader was right outside the USJ building. He sensed a disturbance in the force, the attack had already begun. He walked toward the building, ready to show the villains the power of the dark side, and how insignificant they were compared to him.


Panic was spreading through the students. Aizawa and Thirteen were brutally beaten up by the muscular beast. The class were surrounded by an army of villains.

The person leading the attack, Shigaraki asks the young heroes in training about All Might's whereabouts

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The person leading the attack, Shigaraki asks the young heroes in training about All Might's whereabouts.

Shigaraki: alright you little brats, where is All Might?

Before they could do anything else, there was a loud boom that caused the doors above the stairs to break. Everyone stops to look at where the doors once were. No one can see who was it, due to the smoke that was caused by such force. Everyone assumed it was who they thought it could only be.

Izuku: All Might! He's here to rescue us!

Shigaraki: about time. Now we can finally put an end to hi-


Everyone freezes in place as a cold chill runs down their spines, the distant but sharp sound of mechanical breathing echoes across the USJ. The unnerving breathing hits their ears like the breath of the devil himself, the bone chilling atmosphere that comes along with it does not help to ease anyone's worries as the noise grows louder and louder.

Even Tomura found himself to tremble a bit by the unnerving breathing, especially when the air around him suddenly felt like it was carrying extra weight to it.

The breathing is then accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps that echoes from the entrance. The breathing louder and louder from every footstep this unknown figure makes. The figure finally reveals himself; a seven foot tall man, wearing a strange set of black armor, an intimidating skull-like mask, and a black cape, steps in full view for everyone to behold.

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