Chapter 15: A Fan

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With AFO before Vader's disappearance...

All For One, the most feared Villain in Japan is troubled. His apprentice, Tomura Shigaraki is in critical condition after the mall incident with Vader. He is quite curious about who Vader is and his background, all he knows is that he just came out of nowhere and begins his crusade against the criminal underworld and striking fear against the evildoers. All For One is intrigued by Vader's combat skills, his weapon that seems to cut through anything, and the immense power he wields. Especially the black suit he wears.

From what he learned about Vader's suit, he theorizes that the suit he wears is a power armor of some kind, enhancing his strength and speed. Another theory is that it's a life support suit of some kind, the mechanical breathing backs up his theory on this. If he could just get his hands on Vader, he would love to steal what he believes to be a very powerful telekinesis quirk to become unstoppable, and take the suit for himself for an upgrade for his own life support.

Despite Vader being the opposing force, he somewhat admires him. It's unfortunate how he turn down his offer from before. He'll have to kill him if hw wants to take his quirk, weapon, and suit for himself. But as of now he'll have to wait for that day to come. Right now, Tomura Shigaraki is being treated to his wounds and giving a cybernetic enhanced arm as a replacement for the arm that Vader ripped out at the mall.

All For One: We'll meet some day, I am sure of it...

At UA School Grounds, Present time.

Things were not looking good for UA. Class 1-A and 1-B were attacked at the training camp by Villains, Katsuki Bakugo and pro-hero Ragdoll were abducted by the Vanguard Action Squad, some of the students are in the hospital at the UA school grounds, and Vader went missing for a couple of days almost as if he vanished into thin air. He was not found in his quarters, nowhere in the city, and not even the droids they discovered in his quarters know where he is. In the meeting room, Toshinori Yagi, Principal Nezu, and Detective Naomasa are discussing on how they're going to handle the situation.

Yagi: This just great, Young Bakugo has been kidnapped, and we have no clue on the whereabouts of Vader.

Naomasa: It's alright, we have police forces searching throughout the city on finding where their hideout could be. If we find them, we will find Bakugo and Ragdoll.

Nezu: I will have the students interviewed to find out if they have learned any information or clues from the attack.

Naomasa: Good. In the meantime, I'll take my leave and see if I can learn anything from Vader's disappearance. I'll start by searching his personal quarters.

Vader: That will be unnecessary, Detective.

All three of them turn their directions to the now opened door to see Vader with 2 bags of books.

Yagi/Nezu/Naomasa: Skywalker!

Vader: Gentlemen.

Vader steps inside the meeting room and closes the door. He places the bags down, takes a seat at an empty chair, and rests his arms on the table.

Yagi: Good to see you, Anakin. Things are not going well ever since you were gone.

Vader: You may dispense with the pleasantries, Yagi. I'm here to get back on schedule.

Naomasa: Care to explain your absence?

Vader: That will be a story for another time. Right now, I need you to give me the information on what has transpired.

Naomasa begins to explain everything to Vader on what happened. The attack, the students injured but at least no fatalities, the abduction of Bakugo and Ragdoll, the captured Villains, etc. Vader was unpleased with the situation. Villains using his absence as an opportunity to strike. He clenches his fists and the room got cold.

VADER (Star Wars X My Hero Academia)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon