Chapter 41: Blackwhip

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Anakin stood in shock at the appearance of the maverick jedi who freed him from slavery all those years ago.

Anakin: Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon: Well, took you long enough.

Anakin falls down to his knees and bows his head in shame.

Anakin: I- I failed you, Master Jinn.

Qui-Gon gave Anakin a heartwarming smile for the boy he remembered after all these years.

Qui-Gon: No. You have not.

Anakin raised his head a little to look at Qui-Gon with his eyes ready to burst into tears.

Qui-Gon: You brought balance to the force by erasing both light and darkness. It was not the way the Jedi had expected to happen, but you have fulfilled the prophecy of the Chosen One.

Anakin tries to pretend those words don't send a spiral of guilt through him, was he destined to destroy the lives of many only to bring balance in the force? Even if it means to take the lives of the innocent and those not involve in the Jedi and Sith conflict?

Anakin: Why? After everything I have done to the Jedi, why would you want to talk to someone like me? I destroyed everything you stood for!

Qui-Gon: You may have done horrendous things, Anakin. But in the end, I always believed in you. No matter what.

Qui-Gon said the last part quietly. Anakin was taken back from what the maverick Jedi told him. He still believed in him after everything he did.

But there was some doubt in him. Qui-Gon Jinn placed his hand on Anakin's shoulder.

Qui-Gon: Do you still feel responsible for your wife's death?

Anakin: ...Yes.

Qui-Gon: What you really fear is inside yourself. I know your heart better you know it yourself. You fear your own power, your own anger, your drive to bring good or terrible things. You must journey onwards.

Anakin: How?

The spirit of Qui-Gon picks up the mask of Vader. He stares into its soulless lenses as he gives Anakin his answer.

Qui-Gon: Embrace your worst fear.

Will I ever see you again?

Qui-Gon: Feel your terror cloud your senses.

I wasn't strong enough to save you, mom. But I promise, I won't fail again.

Qui-Gon: Feel its power to distort, to control.

Learn to know the dark side of the force, and you'll be able to save your wife from certain death.


It seems in your anger, you killed her.

Qui-Gon: Give the power to that of which you fear, and it will show itself to you.

My son.

He will come to you, and then you will bring him before me.

As you wish.

Anakin acknowledged the wisdom of the maverick Jedi, to face his worst fears of the past and overcome it. Fear was what turned him to the dark side, fear was what took everything from him.

He stands at his full height after recomposing himself as Qui-Gon gently puts back down the mask of Vader.

Qui-Gon: So, now with that out of the way, I have something in mind. How do you plan to teach Yuri the light side of the force?

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