Chapter 45: Corruption

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Officer: Goddamn freak.

The officer mutters to himself after removing his hand from Vader's chest armor in an attempt to stop him, only for Naomasa to order him to stand down and let him investigate the crime scene.

The officer glared at the back of Vader's head, swallowing his pride. He couldn't really do anything in the situation. He knew Vader could use violent means if it meant to get him to step aside. The only thing he can do was watch the black monolith investigate the crime scene at the moment.

After minutes of silently watching Vader investigating the crime scene, the officer took notice of the black monolith pausing himself before closing the desk's drawer, seemingly finding something out of place. The officer blinked a few times when a board small enough to cover the bottom of the drawer floated up in the air and put aside, and Vader picked up a hard drive missed by the police investigators. Vader inserted the hard drive into his belt and froze in place, implying he found something big within.

Vader left the room, heading for his car just outside the building. All Might followed him, along with officer Piett and detective Naomassa.

The officer narrowed his eyes and reached for his radio.

Officer: We have a problem.


An awkward silence takes over inside Vader's mustang, no one utters a word to Vader as he drives down to his location to where he can discuss with Toshinori, Piett, and Naomassa in private; his monastery at UA grounds.

Vader calmly drives down the street at the speed limit. But behind the mask, he keeps glancing his eyes at the mirror, still seeing the same car with the two men from before tailing him.

Judging by the suits they wear, he knows these men are part of some form of organization, he can't point a finger at who or what is keeping tabs on him. It then hit Vader when he remembers the drone stalking him and Yuri a while back, realizing who the perpetrators work for.

The Hero Public Safety Commission.

Vader narrows his eyes as his hands tightly grasps the steering wheel, putting the pieces together on why these Hero Commission agents are following him. He knows they want the hard drive, so he needs to lose them if it means to not let it fall into their hands.

Vader has to go straight at an upcoming intersection to get to UA, but there is a change of plans. Instead, he makes a sharp right and slams his foot to pedal, taking off at high speed. Yagi, Piett, and Naomasa's heads are thrown at the back of their seats and have expressions of confusion and surprise.

All Might is the first of the three to ask the question in their minds.

Yagi: Woah! V-Vader, what are you doing?!

Vader: We have company.

Vader points at the mirror for everyone to see, they look back to see the black car with the agents speeding up to catch up with them. He narrowly swerves around upcoming cars with such expertise, and up ahead is a roadblock of black cars with agents.

Everyone inside the car begins to panic when Vader does not bother to slow down.

Naomasa: Please tell us you have some tricks you can pull.

Vader: No tricks.

Vader lets off of the mustang's accelerator and turns the wheel while applying the brakes at the last second.

Vader: Skill.

Time seems to slow down when everyone but Vader screams in panic as the best starpilot in the galaxy proceeds to perform a sharp U-turn drift to spin the car around and barely avoids hitting one of the black cars forming a barricade. But the same cannot be said for the black car on their tail when it crashes into the other cars forming the barrier.

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