Chapter 28: The Child

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Tatooine. Here in this harsh desert planet, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy anywhere else in the galaxy. There are many criminals and smugglers that thrive on this planet, especially the Hutts. Like Luke Skywalker once said, if there is a bright center to the universe, then you're on the planet that it's farthest from. This planet is home to many dangerous creatures. One of the natives of Tatooine that you would not want to cross paths with are the Tusken Raiders.

It is currently night time, and we find a Tusken Raider camp in the middle of nowhere, away from anyone who dares to trespass on their land

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It is currently night time, and we find a Tusken Raider camp in the middle of nowhere, away from anyone who dares to trespass on their land. But little do they know, they are not alone. On a ridge high above, Anakin Skywalker watches over the camp. He is on a rescue mission of his mother, Shmi Skywalker Lars.

He jumps down from the cliffside and makes a safe landing with the Force. He uses the night as his ally, concealing himself in the darkness and not be spotted by the Tusken Raiders. He quietly makes his way through the camp without being spotted. Using the Force, he is able pinpoint which hut his mother is being held in.

Quietly, he uses his lightsaber to cut a hole big enough for him to fit through without having to use the actual entrance in order to avoid detection. Once he's inside the hut, he finds his mother tied up, badly beaten, and close to dying. These savages tortured the poor innocent woman. Anakin releases the binds that tied his mother and pulls her off of the makeshift rack.

Anakin: Mom! Mom!

Anakin holds onto his mother with his arm around her. Shmi is barley conscious, but she recognizes her own son.

Shmi: Ani?

She reaches her arm to Anakin, as he gently holds her hand.

Shmi: Ani? . . . Is it you?

Anakin: I'm here, mom. You're safe.

Shmi: Ani?... Ani?

Shmi reaches her hand to Anakin's face as she caresses him with a weak smile on her face.

Shmi: Oh, you look so handsome.

Anakin lowers his head as he kisses his mother's hand with a look of sorrow.

Shmi: My son...

Again, Shmi caresses her son's face with everything she has within her.

Shmi: Oh, my grown up son... I'm so proud of you, Ani.

Anakin: I missed you.

Shmi: ...Now I am complete.

She struggles to speak to Anakin with everything she has left as death draws near every second.

Shmi: I love...

With worry, Anakin fears of losing his mother. He can't lose her, she is the only family he has. He quietly breaks down from the inside.

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