Chapter 32: Midnight's Shenanigans

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Sir Nighteye is currently scrolling through the computer, checking every news headlines about Vader's raid on the Yakuza base.

When he found out that the Yakuza, the organization that he has been investigating and trying to take down for years, is suddenly destroyed by Vader, he almost praise him. Keyword, almost. While he is glad Vader wiped them off the map, he didn't agreed with his brutal methods when it comes to taking the lives of criminals.

When Vader was a vigilante, the heroes did everything in their power to apprehend him, but to no avail. When the message came clear that he was not only killing villains, but saving lives, it gave them an idea. Have Vader on their side, they would be able to keep a closer eye and learn whatever they can from him. It was better to have him with them instead of against them. But for Sir Nighteye, he had some doubts for having Vader with them instead of locking him away in Tartarus for killing villains. He believed that no one deserves to die, and no hero should have the power of judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to killing off a villain.

But what really disturbs Sir Nighteye are the current events. The Yakuza massacre is a start. He couldn't get it out of his head after being at the scene, especially viewing the news footage of Vader burning Overhaul alive.

Another one of Sir Nighteye's disturbances is the abduction of Overhaul. He was able to get footage from the police car's dashcam and see the perpetrators. One of them is what caught his attention. He was barely able to get a look on the figure, but from what he can see, he wears a black cloak with a hood concealing his face. And he holds a weapon that is similar to Vader's weapon. Sir Nighteye thinks to himself that Vader might know who this man is, he'll have to ask him that in a later time.

And last but not least, the glimpse of Vader's future. He still remembers the ghostly figure that he cannot get out of his head. Sir Nighteye is not sure for what it could mean for Vader's future. He'll have to wait and see what his destiny will be.


An hour after Eri regenerates Anakin's body back to a younger age, she is put back to sleep in her bedroom. A shirtless Anakin is at the counter in the medical chamber, alongside with his protocol droid. On the counter, lays a small red case and blue case he took from Overhaul.

From what he is able to learn, the red case contains the red cartridges that are quirk-destroying drug, and they're capable damaging the genetic mechanisms that composes someone's quirk.

As for the blue case, they contain blue cartridges that are actually antidote serums. The serum nullifies the effects of the quirk-destroying bullets and restore the victim's quirk.

Anakin thinks to himself it's possible that there may be more of these quirk-destroying drugs out there, in the hands of other villains. So, he decides to be a step ahead if it were true.

Anakin: Droid, I need you to continue with our findings. Use the drug and antidote to replicate more antidote serums. Once you are done, report back to me for results.

Protocol Droid: Of course, master.

Anakin leaves the droid to its study and heads to the operating table, where his suit is neatly placed on. He gently picks up the mask as he stares at its lenses, on what he should do with it. He use to be more machine than man, now he can reach his full potential in the Force since his body is brought back at a younger age. He no longer needs the suit to keep him alive anymore, but it didn't feel right for him to just discard it.

Anakin: Perhaps you may have some further use for me after all.

Anakin's body is now at a height of 6"2 instead of 6"8, due to having his newly restored legs instead of having the cybernetic legs. Because of this, Anakin tinkers with his suit for the whole night, adjusting the armor to the correct height and the way he sees fit.

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