Chapter 37: A Second Chance

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Toya Todoroki, the firstborn son of Endeavor. Long thought to be dead from the world's eyes, is alive and well with a new name for himself, Dabi.

He had always hated his father for who he was and for what he did to their family. Endeavor ruined them and made their lives miserable, all for his little fantasy competition against All Might.

Toya had died within the fire. And within the ashes, Dabi was born.

But now we find him standing in front of the infamous black monolith himself, Vader.

Dabi: How the hell do know that name?

He said in an angry tone an glared daggers at Vader. He activated his quirk, allowing the blue flames to engulf his hands.

Vader: Stand down, young Todoroki. I shall not hurt you.

Dabi: your glow-stick-of-destiny says otherwise.

Dabi says with a deadpan tone and pointing at Vader's ignited lightsaber in hand. Vader rolls his eyes under the mask from Dabi giving his lightsaber a ridiculous name.

Vader: Do you really believe I would not take the precautions with someone such as yourself?

Dabi: ...Fair enough.

The blue flames die down from Dabi's hands, Vader does the same by deactivating his lightsaber and clipping it back to his belt.

Dabi: So, what do you want? Here to take me in?

Vader: We need not be adversaries, I will show you mercy if you can tell me where the League of Villains can be found.

Dabi: Wait... you'll let me and Toga go?

Vader: Provide me information of them and I shall bestow you and Toga protection, necessities that you would find most adequate.

Toga immediately wakes up and ascends from the floor when she hears Vader's offer. She has one request in mind about something she can get as "necessity."

Toga: Ah yes. The negotiator, Vader.

She smacked her lips at the thought of Vader offering his own blood. But that thought was short lived.

Vader: Not now.

Himiko crosses her arms and pouts. Vader resumes after being interrupted by the mosquito girl.

Vader: I believe we can come to a compromise that we have a common enemy, the Sith Lord.

This gets the attention of Dabi and Toga upon hearing the word Sith.

Dabi: The Sith Lord?

Vader: Yes. If I recall correctly, you and young Toga had encountered him right before being betrayed and cast aside by your so-called friends.

Dabi blinks a few times on how Vader gave a simple explanation of the incident. He remembers clearly how the hooded figure mopped the floor with him and Toga with a power similar to Vader's. But how did he know?

Vader: If you're wondering if he shares the same powers as I, you assume correct.

Dabi looks at Vader in surprise when Vader answers his question.

Dabi: I'm just going to pretend you did not just read my mind.

Dabi looks around the warehouse and spots a crate big enough for him to use a chair. He is about to approach the crate, but it seemingly floats up in the air, then towards him, and settling down on the ground next to him. He looks back at Vader, who has his hand out.

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