Chapter 50: Katsuki Bakugo VS Darth Vader

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In the observation room, the staff watch through the cameras when the match starts with Bakugo entering the training area by himself. The number 1 hero, Endeavor is present with the staff since his three work study students (Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto) are taking role in today's training, he wants to see how well they would fend off against Vader and study his rival.

Endeavor never liked Vader ever since they first met back when he was a wanted vigilante. He held a grudge against the black monolith for the times when he failed to capture him, being beaten and outsmarted, and being force choked. But worst of all, his son was taking a like to his rival when he heard word of his humiliation back at the docks.

So, he decided to join in with the UA staff and watch how Vader operated if the two ever face each other again in the future. He swore to himself he will never be humiliated like the last time ever again.

As for Midnight, she can see why Vader left in an early. She believes he wants to train Class 1-A to become stronger and work together as a team if they ever meet a villain that is nearly an unstoppable force. Nemuri kinda wishes he at least woken her up before his departure, but she can at least speak with him when the match is over.

The pro heroes watch the camera monitor with Vader on top of the training ground's highest building. He stands tall with his billowing cape as he stalks Bakugo the moment he propels himself with his quirk, giving himself away.

Aizawa: Tch. That took less time than I expected.

Class 1-A's sleepy hobo says to everyone with a tired expression, slurping down his third coffee of the day.

Vader moves from his spot and leaps down from the tall building with his black cape spreading like wings of a raven taking flight, heading Katsuki's location.

Nezu: Indeed. But I am more curious of how our friend will handle all 20 of our prestigious students.

They switch to another monitor that shows Vader moving through the alleyways to conceal himself in the dark. He presses the stealth mode button on his suit, deactivating the suit's lights and muting his mechanical breathing as closes in on Bakugo to avoid giving away his position.

Some of the UA staff are impressed by this suit's feature, they had never seen how Vader moves around whenever he chose to be stealthy and sneak up on his prey.

The UA staff watch as the ash blonde teenager storms around the fake city with no luck on trying to find his mysterious opponent. He starts to become irritated when he has yet to find his opponent.


Katsuki yelled out at the top of his lungs, trying to provoke his opponent to face him. He suddenly feels a finger tap on his shoulder, causing him to whip around and extend his hand out to blow up the person behind him. But his move is countered when his feels his hand start to ball into a fist on their own, stopping him from using his quirk.

His heart skips a beat when his eyes are looking straight at someone's chest with control panel he knows only one man wears.

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