chapter 2

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After a rather busy morning, helping Archie sort through his patient files and work a schedule so that appointments would run smoothly, Bridget was on her lunch break. She had tried many jobs in Storybrooke but none of them had felt right, whenever she was employed, everyone knew that she would usually last a month before leaving to try something different.

Bridget liked adventures, she liked something new and exciting which was why her career changed so often but there was something that she loved more than her curious side and that was her daughter. Paige was the most important thing in the world to her and she wanted to prove a point to her daughter that you shouldn't just settle for something if it doesn't make you happy.

With that point in mind, she looked down at her wedding ring. For as long as she could remember, it had been on her ring finger, the jewel reflecting in the rays of the sun but despite always wearing it, it felt alien to her. She knew that she was hypocritical. She told Paige to strive for happiness when she wasn't happy herself, but she couldn't ruin their family and that was why she pushed through the sadness. Bridget had to be strong for her daughter.

"Miss Hare!"

Hearing her name, Alice turned from the counter where she had just ordered some lunch and spotted Henry rushing through the door of Granny's Diner. She smiled at the little boy, gladly offering a seat beside her as she waited for her coffee and baguette.

"Hello Henry, how many times do I have to tell you? You can call me Bridget."

"Sorry, I keep forgetting," he replied, smiling back at her as he slid onto the stool beside her.

"Is something wrong?" Bridget asked, keeping her voice hushed so that no one else could listen, "do you need me to call your mom?"

"No! I mean, no, everything's fine..." Henry trailed off, hoping that she wouldn't ask any further questions as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I actually need to talk to you."

"Me? About what?"

His eyes seemed to shine excitedly as he answered, "your adventures."

"My adventures?" She repeated, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Yes, when you met the mad hatter and when the queen of hearts imprisoned you but then you escaped because-"

"Woah, Henry, I didn't realise you were such a good storyteller-"

"I'm not making it up!" He interrupted, his cheeks getting redder as he was angry that people kept insinuating that he was making everything up, "I'm not lying!"

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