First time

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Each passing year our slumber parties grew less frequent unless there was a thunderstorm. Then it was a guarantee that Michael would show up. I could always count on him, a quality I highlighted above all the rest, including his beautiful dimply face. Especially during senior year there weren't many thunderstorms until finally in April there was an epic one. I had texted Michael earlier the weather report.

Michael: I got you Allie Cat! I'll bring the pizza :)

Me: I got the ice cream.

Michael: Deal.

I knew to expect him at some point that evening. His loyalty forever unwavering. I had just finished showering when I heard the familiar clanking of the rope against the house siding. How that rope managed to not break under all his new manly body weight was a true miracle.

As he crawled through the window rolling on to my bed he caught me still in my underwear. I was still towel drying my hair and letting my body cool off from my steaming hot shower. There was nothing salacious about this. It was innocent after thought on my part and I wasn't attempting to seduce him. Michael has seen me countless times in bathing suits. Most days I played basketball in a sports bra for a top only. He was no stranger to seeing me without many clothes but this time his eyes lingered.

I realize that this was the first time Michael has seen me since my body finally got the puberty memo. Gone my flat chest replaced with perfect perky C cups that grew too quickly for me to keep up with. My current B cup bra was trying to hang on for dear life to keep them inside the cup but they overfloweth causing a sea of cleavage.

My hips grew rapidly to support the weight of my new booty. It didn't matter what I ate these days, it seemed to land only in one area, my thighs and butt. Due to all the basketball, my stomach was still flat but that only made my curves more noticeable.

Michael was frozen. Eyes wide and gawking, taking in my new womanly figure.

"Need a bib?" I teased.

Secretly loving how my body captivated him. I have managed to fly under the radar for so long that seeing him like this was a momentary pleasure.

"Huh?" He barely mustered as his Adams apple bobbed.

"You're staring, perv!" I threw a pillow at his face and put on a large shirt that went to my thighs.

"Sorry!" He laughed. "When did you get those?" He wagged his eyebrows.

My eyes rolled. "Santa brought them for Christmas. You would have known if you didn't ditch me for a ski trip with your GIRLFRIEND!"

Yah I was clearly still bitter about that. We had spent every Christmas together but this year he went on a trip. I was sad at first but it only reminded me that soon that would be our new normal. We would be heading off to college and our late night hangs would be infrequent.

"Wanna try to get a movie in before the power goes out?" I know him all too well to know he changed the subject at the mention of his girlfriend. We didn't bring her up often because it was a sore subject for both of us. She wasn't kind to me and I didn't have anything nice to say. Looking back I realize this was a RED FLAG. Why would you date someone who isn't nice to your best friend?

The doorbell chimed and Michael bolted to get it. He returned moments later with pizza in hand.

We snuggled under the comforter intertwining our legs like we always did. I am sure to almost anyone this looked romantic but this was just how me and Michael were. We ate Neapolitan ice cream and pizza til we were on the verge of being sick. As expected the storm raged on causing the lights to eventually go out.

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