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Fall has always been my secret favorite time of year. I would never admit it to anyone, not even Michael because I try so hard to not be your typical girly girl. Deep down though, in this one area, I am a basic chick who loves pumpkin flavored everything, sweaters, boots and crisp air.

This year my enthusiasm has kicked up a notch with Michael being added to the mix. We get to do, for the first time ever, a family Halloween costume for Walt's school. Yes its unbelievably cheesy but it I have always been jealous of the matching family costume posts on social media. This year I am Princess Peach, Michael Mario and of course Walt wanted to be Luigi. We attend all the overpriced ridiculous fall festivals and took a million "family photos" to make up for lost time.

Michael still helps with school drop off but his nights have been busy with training for try outs. Tyler has been flying in when he can to help but if he can't I assist with the training schedule. It feels like the old days when I use to help coach Michael to make varsity. We would do drills and play one on one for hours. Walt stares on in awe and amazement as he watches from the sidelines. Michael always saves time at the end of each session to coach Walt too. It is in those moments, when he prioritizes Walt, that I feel lucky to have Michael in our lives.

With his new training regiment Michael's muscles have become even more defined and chiseled like a beautiful work of art that begs to be touched or admired however, I have refrained. That locker room kiss has been our only romantic contact since and it needs to be kept that way because there is way too much up in the air, for both of us.

I got a call to interview as a reporter for The New York Times. I wasn't sure yet if the job will allow me to work remote but I can't pass up the opportunity to interview. I haven't mentioned it to Michael because unlike his tryouts, my situation is not a sure thing.

I am certain Michael will  land a contract from at least one of the NBA teams. Tyler has assured me that the scouts were in a frenzy when they found out he was cleared to play and training harder than ever. With the NBA there is no telling which team he will end up on.

I am thrilled for him and this opportunity however the closest training center is 6 hours away. Not ideal for our current co parenting situation. There is no way I am pulling Walt from yet another school to start over again. He is thriving at All Saints. Not to mention his best friend Martin and his basketball team are all here. Starting over for Michael means things here will have to end and I can't sacrifice Walt's happiness. I WON'T sacrifice his happiness no matter how lucrative the deal is.

Even such I can't stomp on Michael's dream right now either. It feels like the same inner turmoil I struggled with when I was in college debating to tell Michael about Walt. Regardless this time I need to get all my ducks in a row which is why I contacted the lawyer Rodrigo gave me. I want to know how it could look to have full custody, how likely it is if there is push back, and how to go about it. I haven't committed to anything yet but I don't want to be caught off guard if Michael expects me to up root our lives for his career. The lawyer gave me a stack of paperwork and it has since remained in the bottom of my bag as I am too anxious to even pull them out to review.

This week is a light week at work since it's a holiday week, however in every other area this was a heavy week on my emotions. Tuesday I had my New York Times interview. I was able to discreetly schedule it without Walt or Michael finding out. I don't want to disappoint them if I don't get it, although I have a feeling I crushed the interview.

Wednesday was Michael's big NBA try out. Michael worked through all his fears and even though I couldn't cheer him on from the stands I would be outside waiting for him. I was a ball of nerves pacing outside the gym that day. When he finally emerged from the double doors he whipped his head around searching for me. Seeing if I kept my promise. His eyes locked on mine and he dropped his bag and sprinted over wrapping me in the most sweaty delicious hug I have ever had. He nuzzled and kissed my neck as he screamed, " I KILLED IT!!!" Walt and him exchanged fist bumps and we had a celebratory pizza dinner. Now we wait to see if he gets to be apart of the lottery for a team.

This part of the week I have dreaded. I shouldn't have been surprised weeks ago when Michael suggest we celebrate Thanksgiving back at his parent's house. He has managed to keep his mom at a distance for months now which knowing her was no small feat. I agreed to it because it's not fair for Walt to miss out on knowing more family that would adore him. Since he is the offspring of their precious Michael I have no doubt he will be their latest infatuation.

Even though we both were going to the same location I insist on driving separately. I don't trust Mrs. and Mr. James to say something that will make me want to run for the hills. I need an escape vehicle to calm my nerves. If something goes down between us I know Michael will always choose his Mom and I don't want to be forced to endure any unpleasant situation.

My luck only gets worse as dooms day approaches when they ask if we can all stay with them. Like under the same roof, 24/7 for 3 days. Life is about compromise and there was no way on this God given planet I could survive that type of torture. I played the "I don't want my dad alone for the holidays" card and am staying at his house. Michael did insist that Walt stay with him and his parents though. He wanted them to spend as much times as they could together since my dad has known about Walt since birth he felt it was fair. I gave into his list of demands only because we have a lot of big decisions to make in the next coming weeks with possible job changes. We need to practice now some give and take.

This is the first time and only time I park in the James driveway. I pray my old car leaves a giant oil stain on her precious painted drive way.

Mr. and Mrs. James have their best yappy smiles on as they greet the prodigal son. Michael wraps his mother in a hug and then dispenses a firm hand shake to his father. His Mom is eyeing Walt with a glean in her eye.

"Mom, this is Walt. Walt this is your Grandma."

Mrs. James playfully swats Michael.

"I think I look a bit too young to be called Grandma don't you?" She smiles and flips her hair.

Without missing a beat Walt replies, "So you're my Granny."

I try to stifle my chuckle. Man I love that boy. Granny has got to be the worst variation of the word. Mrs. James looks at Michael who is proudly awaiting her reaction.

"Yes, Yes I am your....Gran–ny" She barely can utter the words as they get stuck in her throat.

"Walt this is you Grandpa."

His dad leans forward to shake Walt's hand.

"I made you some fresh lemonade and cookies if you want to come in." Mrs. James chirps up in her high pitched hostess voice.

Walt can easily be won over by food and he happily agrees and follows them in. Am I at all surprised she didn't even greet me...no, not in the slightest. Did Michael even notice she didn't....nope.

This is going to be the longest 3 days of my life.

Michael stays back to assist me in unloading the vehicle. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we won't head back til the following day. I agreed to this Grandma and Grandpa meet and greet on the condition that I will not be staying an extra minute in that house other than absolutely necessary.

We get Walt settled in for the night before I head over to my Dad's. I am trying to allow Walt to formulate his own opinion of his grandparents without me casting my own views on them. I know he is safe with them; it's only I who Mrs. James despises. Walt is the product of her golden child and therefore will be brought into the fold.

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