Slumber buddies

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We arrive home after an intensely quiet car ride. Michael parks and Walt hops out as jump out to get him settled inside. Michael hasn't spoken since we were discharged from the hospital. I turn around and head back towards Michael's window.

"Hey why don't you come inside." I gently request.

Michael just bows his head in acknowledgement to my request as he turns off the car, unlatches his seatbelt and follows us inside. I send Walt to take a shower to get the rest of blood off him and then re-bandage his wound. I tell Michael to find a movie we all can watch together. I pop some popcorn and order a pizza. We will be staying in for the rest of the day since it was already so eventful.

Michael is still quiet and reserved, qualities I am unaccustomed to him. He is usually the one bubbling around trying to make the best of any situation. Walt grows tired as the night presses on and falls asleep between us. I'm thankful for Michael who can effortlessly pick up Walt and carry him to bed. I finish cleaning up the spilled popcorn and start folding the blankets when Michael collapses on to the couch. He hangs his head between his legs as he grips his face rubbing his temples.

"What's going on in that big head of yours?" I probe.

He lets out an exasperated sigh, " Is it always like that?"

"Like what?" My curiosity peaking now.

"When they get hurt? It felt like my heart was being ripped open outside my chest and I wanted to do anything to make him better even if it caused me to hurt worse."

A tear threatens to fall from my face just hearing Michael so consumed with his fatherly paternal instincts towards our son.

I stop folding the blankets and sit next to Michael leaning my head on his bicep. The contact causes him to instinctively move his arm to engulf my body so our sides are touching creating our own safe fortress.

"I think it was made worse because I have been where Walt was today." Michael's husky voice softens and even cracks.

I think he is referring to his injury that he has never opened up about to me yet. I didn't want to bring it up before because I figured he was still finding a way to process it. Plus we had a lot of other things to discuss than his basketball career.

" Care to tell me about it?" I inquire as I slide my hand inside his and give it an inviting squeeze to continue.

"I am sure you read about it." He lifts one eyebrow up and looks at me. He knows me too well to know that I had researched him.

I stretch out across the couch and playfully kick him with my feet. He grabs my feet and wraps his hands around them. The contact alone sends heat from my toes to the burning of my ears.

I clear my Sahara desert throat, " Something about a foul that resulted in a head injury. It didn't elaborate much further just that you weren't cleared to play."

He nods. "When I went up for the lay up and the guy knocked me out with his elbow I was unconscious when I hit the ground. I dropped like a sack of potatoes. I didn't have the ability to protect my head. I had jumped up for the shot so between that and my height I basically fell from 9-10ft straight onto my head. I suffered a subdural hematoma, a brain bleed, which I was glad I didn't break my neck cause it could have been so much worse. Even such it landed me in the ICU for a few days just so they could watch the bleed. Afterwards the headaches and constant dizziness followed me for weeks. When I finally felt better I went out to play with Tyler ...... the sight of the court alone .." He trails off.

Even from this angle Michael reliving the story he begins to turn a shade of green. He looks utterly frightened.

"Freaked you out?" I finish his sentence like I often did in our youth.

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