The Venue

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It took 3 days and lots of nail biting later and several calls from Savannah before I heard back from one venue site. They had a cancellation that fit perfectly in our timeline but it was on a Friday.

Savannah was in a mood about having a wedding on a Friday. She said that the wedding would appear to her friends as something done in haste and thrown together.

Um, yes that's exactly what is going on.

She wanted a Saturday date however beggars can't really be choosers in this situation. The venue is exactly what we are looking for. It can work as a chapel then convert to the reception. It can hold the massive guest list that Savannah has and it's both elegant and modern. I am going to have to sell her on this idea or else we could be passing up on our only perfect opportunity.

I arrange for a viewing and tour then send Savannah the details. She reluctantly confirms.

I pull up to the venue site and see that Savannah is punctual and already out front waiting for me. She's hard to miss in her high heels and radiant blonde hair that sunshine literally filters through making her look angelic. I groan. If Michael couldn't have grown ugly and fat it would have been nice if he was marrying a troll under the bridge but of course she's a contender for Miss USA.

Her back is turned to me so she can't see me approaching. I stop my podcast on my earbuds and inadvertently catch the tail end of Savannah's phone conversation. I can only hear Savannah's responses so the conversation sounds choppy.

"We already discussed this. ......It has to happen this way........You know why.

It doesn't matter, it's still considered unsavory.......I told you this will work no one will know.

.......No more. I am serious this time."

She angrily ends the call and throws the phone in her over sized purse. She whips around and her face drains of color at the sight of me. I play dumb and act like I haven't already muted my ear buds.

"Sorry, hold on, let me pause this." I talk loud and pretend to pause the phone and take out my ear buds.

In the most chipper voice that oozes a nonchalant attitude, "Are you ready to go see your future wedding venue?"

She smiles and I think she is convinced I haven't heard whatever weird phone interaction occurred. We make our way to the entrance as a doorman opens up the lobby to us. Inside is a soft glow of a chandelier that emphasizes the marble flooring. I can see Savannah's gaze darting around analyzing its potential. 

"Will Michael be joining us for the tour?" I ask more so to mentally prepare myself.

" Oh yes. He will." She takes out her phone and looks down at a message. "His driver is pulling up now."

His driver. He has a driver. Why is it fair the rich just get richer. The poor just get poorer.

It seems like seconds go by and the double doors open with a glowing statuesque man as the sun beams ricochet off him illuminating him further. I mentally kick myself for finding him attractive still. Why couldn't he be balding with a beer belly by now. It would be so much easier to look at him without that full head of thick honey streaked hair.

"I'm here. We can start." He loops one arm around Savannah and rests his hand on her hip. I swallow the lump in my throat.

" So this space here is big enough to hold everyone on your guest list. We can use it for a Chapel which will help keep this production under the 2 month mark. Finding a Chapel and venue for the same date is going to be impossible. We can do the wedding here then have everyone be dismissed for a cocktail hour in this room." I motion around the room hoping they can imagine what I envision.

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