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I awoke to feeling Michael's stubbly chin scratching against my smooth cheek only confirming last night was real and not a dream.

"Good morning, beautiful." His morning voice coming out more gravely than normal.

"You're still here." I smile stretching across my entire face.

"What?  Do you think I am the type of guy to eat 'n run?" His arms wrap around me squeezing me further into him.

I nudge him playfully for his pervy banter.

"I told you Allie, you are my one and only. I am ready to do this for real this time. No running." His tone is serious, no longer playful. "Are you in?"

He starts to trail kisses again down my torso. My mind is fuzzy and my heart is racing with anticipation remembering last night. Without any resistance on my end he pulls off my shirt over my head. I feel more self conscious then I did last night with dimly lit candles in the dark. Now the sun is shining full force into my bed room and he can see every imperfection and fat dimple of my body.

" My goodness Allie. I want to say I will last longer than the first time but this body is even better than I remember it." My anxiety diminishes quickly as I am mere puddy in his hands as his muscular body descends upon me.

I can't help but let out a laugh as my cheeks flush under his watchful gaze.

My underwear never made it back on last night so I am completely bare while he is still in his boxer briefs that are currently being stretched to their max capacity attempting to contain him.

Michael's phone rings but neither of us make any effort to answer it.

Michael is trailing kisses across my breast as he continues to hover over me. This morning with his 5' O clock shadow the kisses are rougher and some how more erotic. His phone rings again bringing me back to reality.

"Allie, You never answered me. Are you in?"

He momentarily stops his suckling and kissing. My body is arching closer to him in desperate need.

"Are you trying to seduce me into saying yes?" I counter.

He laughs. "I'll consider that when I ask you to marry me."

My eyes bulge in shock. Surely he is kidding.

"Don't worry when the time is right I will do a big obnoxious extravagant proposal. Just know that is where it is leading. I am yours and you are mine FOREVER."

Have I come through some time warp vortex and am in an alternate universe that Michael is proposing to me? How did one thunderstorm filled with confessions and passion change our relationship?

"Do you promise I am yours?" I ask because he has never claimed me before. In fact that is what I yearned to hear and have affirmed all those years ago.

"Promise." His lips find mine and we seal our proclamation with a kiss as my nails dig into his sides ripping his boxers off. His full body weight pressing against me so I can feel every ounce of his warmth. How I managed to make it years, 8 years in fact without sex yet I don't think I could go another 8 minutes without Michael inside me. My legs wrap around his warm body waiting for him...

The door knob shakes as someone attempts to open it. THANK GOD WE LOCKED IT!!!


"MOM!! Its me OPEN UP!" Walt hollers from the other side.

Michael rolls off of me gathering himself in a sheet. My mind snaps out of the sex trance I was in as motherhood comes rushing back.

"Hey honey. What do you need?"

"Granny James sent me over to look for Da-- Michael."  Of course she did that must have been the missed phone calls.

These days Walt constantly corrects himself when almost slips up and calls Michael dad. Each time he corrects himself but I don't miss the enthusiasm in Michael's eyes dim and replace with disappointment. It would take time. If he was true on his promises it would happen in no time.

"Is Michael in there?" My Dad now barks through the door.

"No! He went home last night!" I bite my lip at my tiny white lie as I rip the covers over my naked body in case my dad possesses the ability to see through doors. "Head back home Walt I'm sure he was just out getting fresh air."

I'm the worlds worse liar.

I heard grumbling and a few cuss words as my Dad stomps off down the hall apparently not believing my lie at all.

Even though my Dad can't see me I am beet red from embarrassment. There are just some things Dads should not have to know about their daughters' business.
"Mom! Are you coming over soon ?!"

"Yes Walt. Just let me get dressed."

I hear feet rumbling down the staircase as he makes his way back to the James's.

Michael and I lay laughing for a few minutes when we realized the moment was long lost and we had a busy day of preparations ahead of us.

"We can make up for lost time tonight...we have plenty of time. In fact we have forever." He kisses my forehead.

Michael begin's scurrying around the room finding his clothes that had been scattered. He heads towards the window before he pauses, turning around and wrapping me in a warm embrace. He moves his hands to my face and kisses me softly.

"I love you. I'll see you later." He says it's so matter of factly. Like the sky is blue, Christmas is in December.... I LOVE YOU. How long has he been holding that in?

I just stand there blinking. Words would not formulate from my mouth.

His lips turn up in a smile. "Gosh I love when I shock you into silence." He gives another swift kiss before he starts his decent out the window.

My mind feels like mush. So much has changed in 24 hours than I ever expected. I never thought Michael James would be so forward about his feelings. He never was before.

It seems like a lifetime ago that I was a steady member of the friend zone until that one magical week and even then we never really spoke about our feelings. It was all teen hormones and bed sheet thrashing.

Just the thought of reliving that passionate week released a wave of heat flushing from my head to my toes. I am gonna need a minute til I head over to James's for Thanksgiving.

I think a quick trip to the local cafe and maybe a pie to bring to Thanksgiving will be the cure, along with a cold shower.

My Ex-BestfriendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ