Chapter 3: Hell On Earth

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As (Y/N) watched with an enraged mind and balled fists as the Behemoth charged through numerous vehicles and concrete borders to get to him, and with every bound the beast made the previously calm and content man's rage only grew further. 

Blinded by rage and fueled by hatred, (Y/N) took meaningful determined steps towards the approaching doom, hoping that the beast might meet him with its jaws and forfeit its existence over to him. He didn't have to wait long as the Behemoth and the human met one another a few yards (meters) away from massive crater that (Y/N) had risen from, and the beast wasted no time, immediately diving down on its target with its super-heated jaws wide-open.

As the Behemoths massive jaws opened wide, shooting forward, and completely engulfing (Y/N)'s standing form, and in an instant bladed teeth sharper than spears and molten saliva hotter than melting steal, closed with immense strength onto the humans already beaten and bloodied body. It had to be over, the Behemoth completely encapsulated its target in the flaming iron-maiden that was the beast's jaws. 

The muscles of the Behemoth's powerful maw flexed hard, bulging and pulsing rapidly as they worked to close shut, the beast clenching its jaw with all its might; however, something was keeping the iron-maiden from shutting. The beast's slitted crimson eyes began rapidly twitching around, peering in every which direction as if the answer to its silent question was somewhere to be found in the sky or around the parking lot. 

But, in truth, the answer the beast was looking for was located within the super-heated, daggered maw of the Behemoth itself. Standing tall, with red and black energy flying off him in waves, was a man like no other. Arms stretched wide, muscles bulging with power, body steaming with heat, and a maniacal grin plastered on his beautiful face was THE (Y/N) (L/N).

With pure strength, (Y/N) had his hands gripped tightly around two massive teeth, one on the bottom jaw the other on the top, in the interior of the beast's flaming maw, holding its jaws wide open, keeping himself from danger. The molten saliva from the beast's mouth dripped and drooled all across his body and the bladed teeth cut deep gashes into each of his hands, but the pain from simple cuts and burns had long since left his body. With an excursion of insane force and power, the enraged super-human yelled, "FUCK OFF!!

With the rage induced roar, (Y/N) forced his feet into the concrete below him, crushing the durable material, as he lifted the massive Behemoth over top his head, holding the massive Dragon high in the air with its jaws still opened wide. The Devil's mount stayed suspended in the air for what felt like an eternity as (Y/N) held the animal like a trophy, proof of his immense strength and worth, all the while he stared down the Demon across the parking garage. 

(Y/N)'s piercing glare was an intense message that the Devil received instantly, 'fight me one on one', and with the Devil's warrior pride on the line, the Demon reciprocated the message by putting its katana down to its side and waiting for the human to end the life of its beast.

Once the exchange was completed between (Y/N) and his nemesis, the enraged hero gripped the Behemoth's jaws tight enough to crack its bladed teeth, and then with all the built-up power and energy that had weld up inside his body, (Y/N) slammed the Dragon-Wolf beast down into the crater that he just risen from, shattering every scale on its body on impact! 

The already crushed and hardened concrete instantly buckled under the mighty force, shattering the entire crater, and quickly giving way for the Behemoth to fall through to the floor below the roof. However, (Y/N) held on tightly to the beasts jaws, lifting the Dragon into the air once more, and slamming the Behemoth atop a line of parked vehicles, crushing the cars, and forming another crater, creating a stone coffin for the beast to finally die in.

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now