Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders

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The sounds of horses' hooves pounding against the ground reverberated through their ears for so long that they couldn't hear the sound anymore, not even if they tried to. It was an entirely silent trip as the four masked persons traveled on their less than noble steeds, following a trail that had long since gone cold, to a location they only speculated held the soul of their desires.

Nix wrapped her arms tightly around the back of her sister, locking her fingers together to hold herself in place as she slept on the rapidly moving animal. Her and her sister had just recently swapped positions as the rider and ridey, giving way for Neyah to take the horses reigns and give her sister a moment of rest, but for the pair on the other steed the situation hadn't changed even once since they departed the camp of the White Fang.

Adam stared deeply into the vast desert unblinkingly. 

Straining his eyes as he forced his sight to view lands far outside of his own vision in the hopes that he may see glimpses of what was taken from him. Though what kept his sight unwavering may have been nothing more than a hopeful, sleep deprived, malnourishment induced hallucination, his sight was unwavering still.

The bull charged forward with everything he and his horse had, one hand on the reigns and the other gripped tightly to his drawn blade, still glowing with the blood and absorbed kinetic energy from his former opponents. 

Blake attempted numerous times to engage in conversation with the man, giving words of encouragement, hopeful statements of support, and even questions of how they planned to attack, but every response she was given, if she was ever given one, was the same.

"They will pay. They must pay. I will make them pay." Each phrase was colder and surer than the last, and each time he spoke Blake could feel the sentiment rising in her chest until she eventually stopped trying to reason with him as well. Instead, she gently placed her hand in the center of the bull Faunus's clenched back muscles and shared a bit of her warmth with the man on their icy, dark, desolate trip to the DFA.

Throughout the night, Blake, Nix, and Neyah rested to the best of their abilities, and they eventually felt revitalized enough to converse with one another albeit through mostly looks, hand signals, and other non-verbal techniques given the atmosphere generated by the man at the helm. 

Most of the conversation dealt around the events that had recently transpired, Anaya's kidnapping, their inability to contact their lover, the state that Adam had been left in, and how they would attack moving forward.

It was more than an angsty conversation for them, especially with the fact that they chose to chase down the kidnappers on a whim and they didn't have any way to let (Y/N) know of their situation. Where they were headed, what they were doing, and why it was happening, but they still showed a bit of confidence that he would figure it out at some point regardless. However, it didn't change the air that they were completely out of their league.

Neyah and her twin sister spoke about it in detail as the sky began rapidly heating up with the sun beaming overhead. Nix constantly mentioning the idea that this wasn't a situation to be taken lightly, trying to help her sister grasp the scale of a tribal leader's life being in danger and her connection with the Leader of the White Fang, the fact that the one that caused it was the Elder of the DFA, and they at the forefront of the situation.

They wouldn't just be fighting Grimm, or even just the average tribal Faunus person, but also highly trained individuals that have done nothing but learn to fight and kill other people for their entire lives. It was a large step up from what they were used to, even if the ones that they often practiced and trained with were levels even above that.

People's lives were on the line. 

Their health and wellbeing were going to be put at risk, and this time it didn't look like they were going to have an Adonis swoop in to save them at the last possible moment. 

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