(A/N): XVI

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Hello once again, I have returned to upload another chapter and thus another Author Note, you are oh so welcome (lol). It's currently 8am and I am very sleepy, but I also still have to go to the Dentist in an hour so they can fuck with my mouth and put me in excruciating pain for the rest of the day, which is nice. I just listened to the new logic Album and I though that it was dog shit, only one good song and that song was Breath Control, issa banger, you should peep. Btw, I am curious as to what, if any, music you all listen to? I listen to a lot of rap/hip-hop, Pop, J-pop, J-rock, K-pop (a lil bit), Alternative/Indie, Rock, Metal, Orchestral music, Video Game/Anime OST, and pretty much anything else under the sun except country because I strongly dislike it. But that's enough of my personal life, let's get to the meat of my insane Author Note ramblings.

Byakko and Lilith are humanoid, monster girls yes, but humanoids, how do we feel about that? If you were curious as the reason that I decided to go with this instead of a more direct Human transformation the reason is simple...... I have a very specific set of fettishes that need to met, JK JK JK lol. The actual reason is because they are essentially animals turned Faunus, if a person being turned into a Faunus gives animal traits, then an animal turned into a Faunus gives Human traits, and if an animal was turned into human then they'd be given even more human traits. So, since they were in essence animals before, they exhibit more animal traits in their Faunus transformation than you do, or any other person would. If your not cool with that, I can understand and respect it, but if you are down for that then that is cool to, I just wanna know how we feelin about it as a whole.

Second order of business, Blake. Blake is dope and I love her character a lot in Volumes 1-3, she's my personal best girl of Rwby feel free to hate. However, I don't think that I did her enough justice in her introduction chapter, mostly because I skipped/speed ran the entire train ride so you didn't get to hear her touching story from her mouth which sucks. I just got lazy and wanted to speed things up since it's been pretty slow lately and I think Blake's character development may have suffered for it. Let me know if you agree or maybe disagree, and why you feel the way you feel. I give a fuck.

Uhhhh what else, I guess, the future? The upcoming chapters will lowkey be hella general, a lot of time skipping and just explaining all the random wild shit that happened in between then and the start of the Summer Tournament and after the Tournament the last big event that will be taking place is you explaining to your lovers your backstory and everything else, and after that, the Semester will begin, finally. When? I honestly couldn't tell. But it'll happen and when it does, Imma get real high, eat hella food, and watch Sonic 2 cause why not. And the day after that, I'll be reading my story in its entirety and after I finish that I'll begin the rewrite which hopefully wont take me a month, but who really knows.

That brings me perfectly to my last topic that I'd like to address, the possibility of me reading and rewriting my story live on twitch! This is not my idea, a homie gave it to me literally 5 hours ago and I think that it's a phenomenal idea! Essentially what I am thinking about doing is reading the story in it's entirety from start to finish live so I can experience the cringe of my early work and you can experience me cringing lol. After that, I'd spend the next however long re-writing the entire thing live on Twitch so you all can get a sneak peak at what it is I'll be adding and give me a ton of feedback on what to change. I'd obviously make a big announcement for when it'd be going down and it would be an all day thing so you could pop in and out whenever, and if it's successful in any form than maybe it could become a daily occurrence! The link to my Twitch will be below if you would like to follow, and please let me know whether or not you'd be interested in the idea! Thank you so much for reading the ramblings of a sleep deprived, angsty, bout to be in pain, writer boi! I'll see you whenever I see you!

https://www.twitch.tv/nentai_     |   or just search Nentai_

P.S. This is the 69th Part of the story, Nice lmao.

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now