Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance

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Hello! I am back to continue the every other day bullshit shit that I said that I would try my best to implement and so far so good! I've been putting the work in although I am absolutely more tired that before, kinda. That's not exactly what I'm here for though, I just wanted to celebrate the fact that we've officially hit (as of yesterday) 30,000 Reads!!!!!!!!! Whaaattttt thattt crazy!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for reading and enjoying the story thus far! I hope you continue to do so until we eventually finish this thing!

As per usual allow me to tell you how far we've come! So, as of looking at my Word Document right this very moment, the word count has gone all the way up to 554,760 Words which is also 1096 Pages!!!!!

I know right, that shit is pretty crazy isn't it. Pretty soon we'll be at 600k then we'll probably get all the way up to 700k, maybe 750k, before the story reaches its inevitable conclusion. And obviously when I say conclusion I mean the Rwby portion, there can still be more worlds and things of the nature happening at a later date!

Last thing before you continue to the chapter I just wanted to remind you about the whole streaming thing since I'm absolutely still doing that. I actually just finished Bayonetta 3 last night and it was pretty fuckin lit, I'll be playing God Of War tonight so if your into that feel free to come through!

Please Follow me on Twitch and Pull up to the stream whenever I'm live! I'd love to talk with each of you and answer any questions you have about the story, or me in particular!

P.S.S.S.S | or just search Nentai_


Adam watched as his brother in arms launched off into the cold desert night in a sudden burst of speed unlike anything he had seen before, and once he heard a loud Boom echo through the night air, he turned back towards his camp to finish off the night. 

All had fallen quiet in the White Fang camp, after all there wasn't much left to say. Unknown to most of the White Fang's members they were in the waiting game now, their futures were in the hands of the two men that had just left to ensure the safety of the Fang.

Adam focused little on the nods of respect that his brethren gave him as he walked through the elaborate tents of the camp, focusing all of his attention on the single objective that was on his mind at the moment. His tent. 

The Leader of the White Fang walked into the central most tent in the camp without a moment of hesitation, walking over to the pitcher close to the wall, and taking a large drink of water before setting down at edge of the desk like table in the center of the room. Although all had fell quiet, and everyone was lying in wait, Adam still had work to do.

So, while everyone else was lucky enough to find sleep, he would be lucky enough to finish his work and if he managed to do so he'd then take to patrolling the edges of the camp to ensure his peoples safety.

Once he finished setting down in his seat, the bull Faunus quickly opened his Scroll and after a few taps on the screen began reading through the report sent to him by numerous other high-ranking members of the White Fang, including one sent by the High Leader herself. 

He read through each of them diligently, learning each of the conflicts that were arising, thinking of solutions to each of them, and trying to find new ideas that could assist the Fang in their future endeavors. 

This was a daily activity for the Leader, although it never needed to be. People are put into these positions of power because they are trustworthy, intelligent, loyal, respectable, and more than anything else, capable of doing whatever is needed of them.

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now