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I honestly didn't mind only talking to the girls. All of them had juicy gossip on everyone who had gone to Hyosan High, including people who now attended the college. Well. Before the zombie apocalypse.

They had all kinds of dirt ranging from cheating on a test to affairs in marriages between teachers and students.

Ji-min said she had known a senior who went on to become a military general who was dismissed for being a coward. He had been a bully who also happened to be the biggest crybaby ever. 

Hyo-ryeong told us all the rumours she had heard about the science teacher who had apparently started all of this. She once saw him break a beaker because he fell over his own  feet. He was clumsy and stupid, and she'd heard that he became a teacher because his father was a rich man with connections with people higher-up.

Nam-ra suddenly went stiff next to me. Her eyes darted around us as if she was looking for something in the bushes. She looked terrified.

"Nam-ra? What's wrong?" I asked, tugging at her arm gently to get her to focus. 

"They are coming from all directions! We have to get out of here!" She cried, looking each and every direction and covering her ears in fear. 

"What? Who's coming? What are you talking about, Choi Nam-ra?" She was freaking me out. She could hear something coming, but she wouldn't tell me WHAT that something was.

She turned to me with her eyes wide and bloodshot. 

"The zombies." She whispers. My eyes snap all the way open at her words. 

"What?!" She continues to say it. 

"The zombies, the zombies, the zombies.." She muttered over and over again.

I immediately turned to Su-hyeok, who wasn't paying any attention to me and was talking to someone.

"The quarentine camp should be not too far by now. If we're careful, we can-" Suhyeok is cut off by a sudden and terrifying noise.

A zombie's snarl slicing through the air.

We turned around and about a hundred zombies converged on us at once. No one even thought twice. We ran. The zombies had gotten faster though, because they were fast gaining on us even as we pushed ourselves.

So many horrors had happened in that city, when just a week ago, it was a normal city where zombies were only a thing to scare children into behaving used by parents.

Not anymore. Now there is just death, fear and blood littered all over the city. The children are either dead or gone, and their parents have been turned into deadly predators.

I flashed back to when Gwi-nam had saved me in the school. He wasn't here to save me this time. What if he died in vain? What if I really am pathetic and I die? 

Su-hyeok pulls out a baseball bat and begins to hit zombies with it. His grunts and yells mix with the zombie's horrible growls and moans in a terrifying cacophony. I do my best to help him with Gwi-nam's bat, but the zombies soon overwhelm us.

 I quickly snatch up some shovels that are sitting in a bin near my feet and throw them to everyone who doesn't have a weapon of their owen.

The girls shriek as On-jo is grabbed by her arm from behind. Hyo-ryeong and Ji-min yank her back, and I get in between the zombie and On-jo. 

"That's my friend! You don't eat her!" I cried. The zombie went for my throat instead. I quickly backtracked and got out of the way, but just barely quick enough. 

It lunged at me again and I hear another approaching behind me. 'So this is it, then. This is how I die?' I thought to myself as the zombie lunged at me.

Until I heard a voice I never thought that I would hear again.

"Didn't I tell you to survive, Nuisance? Jeez, do I really have to protect you for the rest of my life?" 

The smile. The laugh. His voice. Even without looking up, I know.

It's him.


𝙎𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙧 (Gwi-Nam x Cheong-san)Where stories live. Discover now