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Aaron insisted on accompanying Juliette to her room, so I decide to get started on my report for the capital. I shouldn't have left it this late because Dad might be disappointed in me. That's a horrible feeling, having him look down at me and shake his head. He's done this since I was little and it doesn't get better, no matter how many times I've endured it. When I reach my room I go straight to my office. I can't put this off any longer. I start on my report. 

It only, usually, takes me an hour to do these reports but today it takes me almost three. By the time I am finished it's 11 at night and reports are due by 12 am. I quickly wrap up my thoughts and send it off. I walk out of my office because I don't like staying in there for long periods of time. Instead of going to change, I lay on the floor. Doing this is something I could never do in front of anyone because they would see me as less than I am. I hear a knock at my door someone saying my name. I get up and open my door, Aaron is standing there. 

"Hey," he says. "you never got to tell me about your day, want to talk now?"

I nod yes and we walk to my office. I tell him about my day in more detail and he tells me about his as well. 

"Did you get the report to him yet?" 

"Yeah, I did. Listen I'm really tired and I think we should both get to bed, we have another long day tomorrow." 

"Ok, you know, if you need anything you can talk to me alright."

"I know Aaron." 

"Ok, Night Y/n."

"Night Aaron."

After he leaves I take a shower and the hot water makes me relax quite a lot. I climb into bed and promptly fall asleep.

💖💖💖A/N: sorry I feel like these first chapters haven't really had a lot of Kenji in them. I am working on that. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you soon lovelies!!💖💖💖

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