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Father left, taking the girls with him. We have to leave, we can't stay here forever.
"Aaron?" I call his name quietly.
"Yes, Y/n?"
"How are we going to get her out of here? We can't stay, and we're running out of supplies."
"We've got to get her out of here, without being seen."
He looks off in the distance, thinking. I start to think as well.
"Body bag." I say quickly.
"Sorry, what?"
"A body bag. That's how we can get her in. It'll be easily overlooked, what, with the casualties on both sides. We'll have to move today though or else it'll be too late."
"Let me get this straight," He says. "You want to put her in a body bag, and smuggle her into the base?"
"Yep, it should work."
He hesitates. And then says;
"Fine. Let's go now then"


She woke up within a day of moving her. I was working in Aaron's office, he was sitting in the room. I heard rustling so I looked around the corner, I had the door open for this very thing. Aaron's leaning over her. I start to stand up to check on them when she bolts upward. I sit back down, trusting Aaron to handle this.
"Good morning." She says. There's a pause of silence before she says; "You saved my life."
I peek around the corner again as she pulls away from Aaron, panic overtaking her features.
"It's okay— it's all right."
"What am I doing here?" Panic and anxiety flooding her voice. "Why did you bring me here again?"
"Juliette, please, I'm not going to hurt you-"
"Then why did you bring me here?" Her voice starting to break. "Why did you bring me back to this hellhole?"
"I-we- had to hide you." He exhaled.
"What? Why?"
"No one knows or can know you're alive."
There's another pause.
"Did you..Did-I mean- my clothes-" she stutters.
"No, the girls took care of that. I just carried you to bed."
"The girls,"
She pauses again. And suddenly starts to panic.
"Warner. What happened? What's happening with the battle-?" She says frantically. Reality hits her, hard.
"Please," he says gripping her shoulders firmly. "You need to eat something, you need to start slowly."
"Tell me-"
Aaron sighs, running a hand through his hair. I stand up and move to the door frame.
"It's over."
"It's over." He repeats.
"No. No."
"No. No. No. Don't be stupid. Don't be ridiculous. Don't lie to me goddamn you. No, no, no, no-" She falls to the floor. Aaron tries to lift her back up but she starts to scream and slap. He does get her to a sitting position eventually.
"Why? Why is the battle over?" She asks quietly. Aaron looks away and takes a few deep breaths.
"Because they're dead, love. They're all dead." 
And then it all goes to shit.

Juliette starts to scream.
"Let go of me!"
Aaron doesn't listen. If anything he pulls her closer, rocking her back and forth and whispering to her.

"Juliette, please-" He pleads.
"Kenji." I wince as she says his name.
"Please, love, let me help you-"
"What about James? He was left at Omega Point- he wasn't allowed to come."
"It's been destroyed. All of it. They tortured the location out of some of your members. It was bombed." He says quietly.
"Oh, god."
"I'm so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am."
"Liar." She whispers, anger coating her voice. "You're not sorry at all."  He takes a deep breath.
"I am sorry." He walks towards me. Grabs my hand and starts to pull me towards the door.
"Where are you going?" She asks him.
"You need time to process this and clearly have no use for my company - or Y/n's. I'll attend to a few tasks until you're ready to talk."
"Please tell me you're wrong. That there's a chance you might be wrong-"
"If there was even the slightest chance I were wrong, I would've taken it. Anything to spare you the pain. You must know I wouldn't have said it if it weren't certainly true," Aaron says. He pushes me out of the room.
"Y/n?" I look at him.
"Yes?" I say trying to smile for him.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Are you okay?"
"Of course. Are you sure you're fine?" 
"I'm. Fine." I say, adding extra emphasis to both words. "Thank you, though."

I head to my room. 


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