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My hand is still bleeding out even after I've cleaned it.  

"God." I say, but it's more of a breath let out. I want to talk to someone, someone who will understand, someone who will care. I want to talk to Kenji.

"What did I ever do to deserve this? This family. A father who hates me, a brother who only sometimes cares and is completely petty, and my mom." I say, to myself. 

"Miss?" A voice startles me out of my thoughts. I walk to my door. It's Delalieu.

"Hello?" I say to him, but it sounds more like a question.  

"I'm sorry, I just thought." He stutters over his words.

"What, Delalieu? We haven't got all day." I say. My patience with him is wearing down. 

"Well, They're cleaning out Kent and Kishimoto's bunks and I thought you might like to be there for it." He tells me. His hands are fidgeting around in front of him.

"Oh, um. Thank you, Lieutenant, I do want to be there for that." 

"Okay then, this way then." I follow him through the multiple doors to the barracks. He takes me to Kent's bunk first. I didn't really want to see them clean out his but I have to watch his if I want to see Kenji's. It takes them around 25 minutes to go through his entire bunk. They find nothing in there. Know it's time for Kenji's bunk. I take a deep breath and walk with them to his spot, it's not even two spots away from Kent. 

" No wonder Aaron thought he would know something. He's right there."  I think. 

"Yep, right here, Ma'am." I hear someone say, only then do I realize I've said that last part out loud. I watch them start to pick apart his trunks and bed. I find it funny to think that he may have slept here. The more I imagine it the more butterflies erupt in my stomach. I look back down to see them pull out a picture. I snatch it from the soldier holding it. It's Kenji's first picture here. He's looking right at me, I wish he was smiling though. 

"You keeping that, then?" The soldier asks me in an amused tone.

"Yes, now get back to work." I snap back. 

"Yes, Ma'am." He says and turns back to his work. Kenji didn't take anything with him when he left, all of his clothes are still there. 
"He didn't deliberately leave, then. Everything is here, if he meant to leave he would've brought things, like the girl and Kent."  
They finish within the hour and I leave to put my picture back in my room, but stop at her room. Aaron is standing there looking at something small in his hands.
"Aaron?" I say carefully, as if not to startle him. He looks up at me and I swear he has tears in his eyes. He pushes past me but I attempt to grab him. I manage to get the end of his shirt. From there I grab his good arm and pull him towards me. The thing he was holding drops from his hand as does my picture. He looks at me confused while I go to reach for the notebook he dropped. He swats my hand away. 

"I won't ask if you don't, ok?" I say. He nods at me and tries to leave. 

"Aaron!" I call after him and then say; "Can we please talk? Please."  

"No, Y/N, we can't." 

"Why? Why can't we?"

"Because I'm not dealing with you today. You make everything about you and your problems and how you're running the freaking sector yourself, I'm trying Y/n, I really am and you obviously can't see that." His tone is angry, and he's angry with me. 

"Ok then. Whatever, Aaron." I turn on my heel when he says;

"We have that assembly today, by the way."
I continue to walk away when he adds;
"It's in 20 minutes, you know." 
"Shit, I forgot." "Yes I know, Aaron." 

"Ok, then." He says, mocking me. Instead of continuing down to my room, I go to the Quadrant outside. I have 20 minutes until anyone is here. I take out my picture of Kenji, I brush over his features. I miss him so much. I wonder where he is now. I look out into the open sky. It's still relatively cold but it's not raining or snowing, not yet at least. I take a single deep breath of, mostly, clean air. It feels nice, even if the cold bites at my face. I hear someone enter the Quadrant, so I fold my photo and tuck it into one of the pockets in my shirt. Aaron comes in and stands on the edge of the courtyard. I watch as the soldiers come in and stand in their neat little lines. I sigh and pull myself from my place on the step. I stand behind Aaron and listen to him address the sector. 

"Sector 45. We have a number of important things to discuss today, the first of which is readily apparent. I was injured," 

As if that's not obvious.

"While in pursuit of two of our defecting soldiers. Private Adam Kent and Private Kenji Kishimoto collaborated in their escape in an effort to abduct Juliette Ferrars, our newest transfer and critical asset to Sector 45. They have been charged with the crime of unlawfully seizing and detaining Ms.Ferrars against her will. But, and most importantly, they have been rightfully convicted of treason against The Reestablishment. When found they will be executed on the spot." 
My breath hitches.
"Second, in an effort to expedite the process of stabilizing Sector 45, its citizens and the ensuing chaos resulting from these recent disruptions, the supreme commander has joined us on base. He arrived, not thirty-six hours ago."
Some soldiers have forgotten to keep their fists up, their jaws, instead, have dropped to the floor. The reactions from the soldiers make me smile. Not that anyone can see it, though. 
"You will welcome him. Prepare yourselves, gentlemen, we will not rest until Kent and Kishimoto are found and Ms.Ferrars has returned to base. I will confer with the supreme commander in these next 24 hours; our newest mission will soon be clearly defined. In the interim, you are to understand two things; first, that we will diffuse the tension among citizens and take pains to remind them of their promises to our new world. And second, be certain that we will find Privates Kent and Kishimoto. Let their fates serve as an example to you. We do not welcome traitors in The Reestablishment, and we do not forgive." 

That last one is very true. 

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