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"I have work to do. I'll be sleeping in my office tonight." Aaron says, finishing the conversation with Juliette. He opens the door to the office. I watch him make his way across the room to the chair beside me.

"So..." I start. "That went well?"

"Mostly," He pauses before he continues. "I want you to stay here tomorrow and take my duties when I leave."

I want to ask what duties because I've been doing most of his for a while but I keep that thought in my head. "No," I say instead. He looks at me like I have a second head.

"No," I say again, "because I know for a fact that you leave Delalieu in charge, not me. And just saying, it really proves how much you distrust me, Aaron. That said, it doesn't matter whether or not I'm here."

"That is not true, Y/n. I leave you in charge every time I have to go."

"No, you don't and I know that because none of the soldiers ever take any commands from me."

"I already have to keep watch on Juliette, I don't need to watch you too."

"So don't. Stop treating me like a child, if that last battle proved anything it's that she is unstable and needs more care than I do. Just let me come, please." I sigh.

"Fine." He says finally. I watch as he gets up to grab a book and his log. He looks exhausted. The dark circles under his eyes become more prominent at night somehow. I wait a few minutes before getting up. Aaron doesn't watch me the same way I watched him. I check to see if she is asleep. Placing my head close to the door, I can hear light snores. I grab my things off the table and approach the door.

"I'm sorry, Aaron. Please try to get some sleep, okay?"

He looks up at me and nods. I nod back and open the door. After exiting his office, I walk past the bed where she's laying quite peaceful looking. I sigh and make my way towards the door.


I groan as my alarm goes off the next morning. It took so long to get back to my room last night that it feels like I went to bed only a few minutes ago. It doesn't matter how tired I am, though, I said I was going today and so I am. I throw myself into a quick and cold shower. As I look at myself in the mirror I can see just how Aaron and I are different. Even though we are the same age he views me as the younger sibling and it infuriates me, which was part of the reason I told him I was going to go with them today. There is no time to dwell on that. I walk out of my room and right into his.

Delalieu is there before me.

"Are you sure it's safe, sir? ' He asks my brother as I slip into the room. "Forgive me, I don't mean to seem impertinent but I just can't help but be concerned."

"It'll be fine. Just make sure our troops aren't patrolling that area. We'll only be gone a few hours at the most."

"Yes, alright, sir." It goes quiet for a minute before Aaron says;

"Juliette, come out here, love. It's rude to eavesdrop." She steps out of his bathroom looking flushed. Aaron seemingly enjoys her embarrassment in this situation. I roll my eyes at him, he is so far gone for this girl it's not even funny.

"Are we ready to go, then?" I ask.

"Yes, of course," Juliette answers. We get her into a cart in a deserted hall. Mostly everything was easy after that. I move into the tank as Aaron and Delaleiu get her out of the cart. I take a seat farther from where they will be sitting. Contrary to Aaron's opinion, I find tanks quite comfortable, as long as I'm not driving. The only uncomfortable thing is that I cannot listen to them flirt with one another, they act so oblivious sometimes. It's hell.

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