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SPOILER WARNING: If you haven't read past unravel me don't read as this chapter might have spoilers for later books. 


When I wake up in the morning adrenaline is rushing through me. This is the first time that my father has asked me to come on any sort of trip with him, besides the obligatory work ones. I get dressed and make sure to put on the coat with a gun in it. I'm not dying today. 

I'm finished getting ready by 6:30 so I have time to grab breakfast before we go. I grab two danishes and bring them to Aaron's room. I go to knock on the door but before I can Aaron opens the door. 

"Morning." I say to him. He doesn't reply. "It won't be that bad I promise and we can intervene before anything happens to her." 

"Ok." I pass him the danish and say;

"Come on, eat up." 

We finish our danishes relatively quickly and Aaron still has a few things to get ready, so I sit and wait on his bed. When he finishes we have half an hour to get down to the loading docks. They are jammed with soldiers and workers loading things onto tanks. 

"How come there are so many people working down here today?" I ask Aaron. 

"Because- oh shoot. Sorry, I forgot to tell you last night."

"It's ok, tell me now."

"Our father is preparing to go to war."


"He's trying to lure them out of their hiding spots, his words not mine. That's why we took those prisoners, He knew they were important to the organization. He wants to crush and destroy them."

"Ah, yes. Thank you for that lovely summary of my plans, Aaron." We both jump and turn around. Our father stands behind us. "Now, we really must be going. I have things to set up once we're there.

We follow him to a tank at the very head of the group. Once inside I survey my surroundings. Ian, Brenden, Winston, and Emory sit at the back tied up and pressed against each other. I look at them with pity in my eyes before anyone can see me. 

"Y/n!" My father calls from behind me. I jump a little. "Come here and sit." 

I sit beside Aaron. The ride takes us a little less than 30 minutes. We get to a house looking almost identical to Mom's, just more run down. I miss her, Aaron and I haven't been over to see her in a while. I touch the gun hidden in my jacket's pocket. When we enter the inside looks nothing like the outside. It's in almost perfect condition. 

When one of Dad's soldiers informs us that she's here Dad tells us to go into the kitchen. I hear my father open the door and start talking.

"It's refreshing, really," he says. "To see that the youth still value things like punctuality. It's always so frustrating when people waste my time."

Aaron is on edge. 
He really loves her. 

"Please, come in." He invites her into the house. They begin to sit down when Dad says;

"Oh wait, just one thing."

"Wha-" She tries to start a sentence and fails. He has her pinned against the wall. I hear multiple things hit the floor and finally, he tells her to have a seat. 

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