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As soon as I tuck the note in Kenji's pocket, Aaron walks in.
"Ready?" He says, looking around.
"As ready as I can be."
"You know we have to do this, Y/n."
I glance at Kenji laying so peacefully in his bed. "If this is about him than I don't understand. He's done nothing except abandon you. Why do you care?"
"You had him shot for information he clearly didn't have, Aaron! What did you expect, he was gonna stay and make sure I was okay?"
"I would've." He says pointedly.
"You're my brother."
"Okay but if it had been Juli-Someone I cared about a lot, I would've stayed." A raise my eyebrows. "Let's go." I exit the room leaving Aaron... and Kenji. He quickly catches up. We walk beside each other keeping perfect pace. When we reach the guards at the doors they look at us suspiciously.
"We've got permission to be out of our rooms." I say. The share a confused look but let us through the door.

We get out without any other problems.
"We probably shouldn't go to Base." Aaron says.
"As if that was my first choice."
He grumbles something incoherent and starts to walk. I follow quickly after. We end up at our Mothers house. Aaron look back at me. I nod and start to enter. There's only one spare room which Aaron quickly claims. I say nothing and grab blankets out of the closet.

After a restless few hours of sleep I wake to see my father standing over me. I gasp and jump a little.
"Good Morning, Y/n." He says.
"Father." I choke out. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to get you. You didn't think I wouldn't find out where you were."
I glance at Aaron, who's standing off to the side.
"Oh yes, your dear brother. He was an amazing help at finding the both of you. Someone saw him very early this morning and alerted me."
I look towards Aaron. Trying to ask him 'why?' without any words.
"Now, I do have plans for the two of you. You are going to stay here until it's safe for you to leave. And-"
"Why wouldn't it be safe to leave?"
"Oh your little friends are planning something, are they not?"
"I wasn't told anything." I say.
"Oh but Aaron here was. He did a great job on information gathering."
He wouldn't have done that. Not with Juliette still with them. He would've wanted her out before saying anything, if he even would. I look over to him confused.
"Okay, enough with the catch up. It's time tor me to go. I'll be back later." Father says sternly. I stand up. My pants drop more than I expected, then I realize; I'm still wearing Kenji's sweatpants.
Shit, this'll end well. I think. If Father noticed anything he didn't say it. I fix my clothes and tighten the pants. He walks off in silence. Aaron and I watch him leave.

"Where did you get those?" Aaron asks me.
"Kenji gave them to me." I say, looking out the front windows, trying to end the conversation.
"When?" He keeps going.
"Does it matter." I say, now annoyed. He doesn't say anything more. I sigh and look up at the ceiling.
"So we're just stuck here?" I ask no one in particular.
"I guess." Aaron replies.
"Great. We shouldn't have left."
"It's better than if we stayed." He counters.
"What is with you? If we had stayed we wouldn't be here right now and maybe we could have a chance at actually doing something good." I say angrily. Aaron tries to say something but I cut him off. "It doesn't matter. We should just stop fighting. Sorry."
I walk off to the kitchen and sit at the old table. Aaron doesn't follow me.

I sigh and look out the window.

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