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I attempt to walk around Delalieu and ignore him but he's very persistent. 
"Miss!" He calls after me. "Miss, please!"
I continue to walk when he tries to step in front of me.

"Miss! Please I need to talk to you!"

"Fine, what do you want?" I snap at him.

"Aaron wants you to go with him to some of the compounds." 
Seriously, he can't go anywhere without me. I guess that's kind of good though, it means he doesn't completely hate me. 

"Okay, fine. just give me a minute. I was just out there and it's cold and wet. I need to change. Tell him to meet me downstairs, ok?"

"Yes, thank you." 
I've always found it funny that he calls Aaron by his first name but refers to me as 'Miss'. When I get to my room I throw on a sweater and a pair of sweatpants. I grab my coat and boats and go downstairs. Aaron is pacing and waiting for me. When he sees me he looks up and motions for me to come with his good hand.

"So...." I say. "Where are we going?" 

"Out, come on we have to be back soon." 

"Ok?" That didn't really answer my question, but I'll go with it. We walk outside and get in a tank. We sit in the back of it having another soldier drive, Delalieu is also here. . Aaron won't look at me so I decide to take the first step.

He looks up at me.

"Yes, Y/N." 

"Have you, um, made any progress with her case?"

"No." He says the tone of his voice is sharper than a knife. I look up at him sadness in my eyes. He still pretty much hates me.

"Oh ok." I say.

"Well, I don't know, we might have." He seems to realize how he spoke wasn't the best. "We traced  a stolen car almost across the sector before it disappeared off the radar."

"That's good, I guess." I say, my voice tentative. He looks back down and starts to read something I can't see.

When we finally stop I climb out of the tank. I look around and see barren fields with nothing on them, only a small settlement to our left. 

"That's where we must be going." 
Aaron's slung a jacket over his bad arm and walks towards the 'houses'. I say houses in air quotes because they're basically just shipping containers with furnishings. We walk to an abandoned slaughterhouse. There's a hole ripped in the wall where the door should be. 

"Would you like to go inside, sir?" Delalieu breaks the silence. I watch the thoughts go through Aaron's head. He nods as a response. Aaron steps inside and I follow. I scan the area for any dangers and see none. I touch the gun in the hidden pocket of my jacket, I made Delalieu make this for me when she got here, I just haven't gotten to wear or use it yet. Aaron is distracted and caught up in his own thoughts when he says;

"I have to get her back." "I stare at him confused at what he said. Delalieu responds to him.

"We have troops across the sector looking for her and we've alerted neighbouring sectors, just in case the group of them happen to cross ove-"

"What!" He spins around to face him, and me. "What did you just say?" his voice is quiet and dangerous. Delalieu has turned a sickly shade of white and green.

"I was unconscious for all of one night! And you've already alerted the other sectors to this catastrophe- and you," He points at me. "Why didn't you stop him?" 
I'm about to respond when Delalieu cuts me off. 

" I thought you would want to find them, sir, and I thought, if they should try to sell refuge somewhere elsewhere- I'm sorry, sir. I thought it would be safest-"

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