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I couldn't tell when the fighting started. All I knew was the chaos that suddenly consumed the house. First Sara and Sonya were rushed in, taken prisoners in this battle. I really wished they weren't here as they could be helping other wounded people out there. Then Juliette was brought in, more chaos and crazy followed her in. She was badly injured and bleeding like crazy. I watched as Aaron brought her to his old room. The girls followed suit. I could hear them arguing about saving her. The girls were making the point that they couldn't touch her and Aaron was yelling right back just to touch him. They were confused and quickly agreed. I sat outside the door the whole time.

I quietly watched the window and the world going on around me. The girls eventually came out of his room, looking tired and in need of food. We didn't have much in the house.
We're going to need some delivered soon. I thought. After a while Aaron finally came out. He looked exhausted.
"Are you okay?l I asked.
"Fine." He responds.
"Is she okay?" I press on. He lets pit a sigh.
"You know, I have no clue. She might die." He says a panicked laugh over taking his voice.  I reach over and rub my hand on his back.
"It'll be fine. We'll all be fine. I promise."
"Okay..." He says.

A/N : sorry this is a short chapter but I think we're finally getting into Ignite Me!!! yay! the next chapter will be out soon(I hope!) I have an idea for that so... anyways thanks for being so patient with me and waiting so long for updates, I haven't been good at that. With that I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and see you soon!

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