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When we get back to base my head is pounding. The lack of sleep is starting to have major side effects. I think I've even started hallucinating.


"Yes, Y/n?"

"Did you see them too? Or am I just going crazy?" I ask.

"No, I saw her, but only for a second. Why are you saying them like there was someone else there, it was only her?"

"I don't know I'm just tired. I think I'm going to go finish my work in my room. Okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

I go back to my room and start to do my work when something comes up. The supply levels at one of the storage compounds. It's gone down a little bit and we hadn't had anything going in or out of there today. I probably should say something but, I don't know who I can trust. On the other hand, if I don't say anything I could be arrested or worse. My father would kill me if I withheld information from him. He's already almost before.

When I finish my work I hear knocking at my door. It's one of my father's soldiers again.

"Yes?" I ask.

"The supreme commander has requested that you join him for dinner." He says robotically. 

"Ok, what time?"

"an hour from now." It's five now. 

"Ok, thank you. You're dismissed."

Why does my father want to have dinner with me again? I decide to have a shower and dry out my hair before dinner that way I don't have to when I get back. I walk down to the dining room and see Aaron waiting outside. 

"He asked you too?" 

"Yes." He says with a bitter tone in his voice. He's not happy about it. 

"Well, let's see what he wants."

"Ok." He doesn't seem ok. We walk in and take our seats. We sit on opposite sides of Dad. 

"Hello, children." He says.

"Hello, father. How come you called us here?"

"There are a few things I wanted to talk to you two about."

"Ok." I'm already suspicious of this dinner.

"Firstly, my team has managed to capture four of the unnaturals on patrol." He puts extra emphasis on the word my.  

"Who?" Aaron asks.

"We don't know they wouldn't tell us their names."

"Oh." He says.

"Another thing, I reached out to the head of their group." 

"You did what?!" I almost yell.

"Calm down, Y/n. I reached out to the head of their group and they've agreed to have Juliette talk to us, more me, but anyway." He looks at me. "Can you help me get ready for this?"

"Why do you need my help?" I ask.

"Well because I'm going to be busy as is and I need someone to coordinate the meeting and things like that."

"Um, ok then."

"Well, that's all I wanted to tell you." 


"You," He looks to Aaron. "Stay here. Y/n, thank you for joining me but you need to leave now."
Just when I thought he was starting to trust me. I get up to leave when I hear my father call my name from behind me.

|Together| Kenji Kishimoto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now