Chapter 17: Animals

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The Life and Times of an Average Coward

Chapter 17: Animals


It is a testament on itself that I managed to traverse beyond the mansion's genkan without outright fainting. The haunting, disturbing, sound of a demon lingers and strengthens as Tanjirou and I went further in and oh my Sound Gods, for some reason I can't hear anything from the outside as soon as we went it.

I told that much to Tanjirou.

"Me too." Tanjirou admitted tensely. "I can't smell Nezuko and the others when we both stepped foot in here."

Suspicious. Extremely suspicious. Is this some sort of blood demon art?

Tanjirou opened the first door to the first room we came across, it's a receiving room with four red zabuton laid out before a kotatsu. Lamps lit up the place into an eerie orange glow, casting dark shadow onto the left side of the room.

Strange, I think this room should have a window from the outside structure of the house. I was fairly sure, that there was a small circular window right about here, but I could also be entirely wrong. I'm no house expert.


The thump of the tsuzumi drum rang loudly in my ears, and right before our eyes, the comely receiving room turned into an empty room. It's lit up by natural lighting from the open windows unlike before, the open windows that showed the tree tops, like we are in the second floor instead of the first.


The empty room turned into a dojo, wooden swords and all.


Now it's a pantry.


Another receiving room, this one has windows.


An empty room.


A kitchen.


Another empty room.


A library.


Empty room.

On it on, it happened three more times just as in time with the beat, until the room finally settled for a living room area, complete with tasteful inside topiary, an altar of some sort, a few bookcases and of course, a kotatsu with two purple zabutons on each side.


I didn't notice it earlier, but I seem to have taken to clinging to Tanjirou's back as soon as the room shifting happened. Now, I'm just fully sticking myself to his back.

Tanjirou's 'sound' sounds surprised and a bit alarmed, understandable really, because the whole Goddamn house is moving and shifting according to the demon's blood art, and this whole place must be tied to that demon's power or that the demon tied its power to the whole mansion.

And that it has to do with the tsuzumi drum.

"I can smell three demons, but only one of them have their scent all over the house."

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