"Oh. Oh! You want to marry Tommy as well!"

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"I'm worried. He's not sleeping. Or eating." Tubbo said, looking at the blazing flames in the fireplace. A mug of steaming hot chocolate make by Ranboo sat on the wood table. The mansion was quiet, with the only noises being both their breathing, Tommy's soft snores from the guest room, and Michael shifting in his bed just above them.

"I know. We can't exactly do anything about it, not forcibly." Ranboo reminded. Tubbo huffed in frustration. He was watching his best friend kill himself and he couldn't do anything to stop it. What could him and his husband do to make Tommy eat and sleep?

"Tubs, stop. I can hear you thinking." Ranboo chided, picking up the cup of cocoa and pressing it into Tubbo's hands. Tubbo obliged and took a sip, looking out the window. It was snowing heavily, and the high winds wasn't making it better. 

"He walked here, in a literal windbreaker, sneakers for fucks sake, just to deliver some cobblestone I offhandedly suggested I was running low on. How is that not concerning?" Tubbo hissed, gripping the mug.

"We should really get him some better winter gear if he's going to keep coming to Snowchester." Ranboo said, curling up as much as he can on the sofa.

"Yeah, I can sew some. You think he'd be okay with the Snowchester flag stitched on? Or just keep it a plain coat." Tubbo worried. All Snowchester coats had the flag embroidered on the left sleeve. Some sewed other things, but they all had the flag.

"Maybe keep it plain for now. If he wants the Snowchester flag then he'd ask, probably." Ranboo said uncertainly. "Remember that this Tommy is not the old one who commits arson by accident. This Tommy looks for approval and apologizes all the time." 

"I know, I hate it. He's too quiet, I forget he's there sometimes with how quiet he is." Tubbo mumbled, Ranboo nodding in agreement. Some days they were louder than Tommy, whoch never happened during the L'Manburg era.

"Do you think he knows we care about him?" Ranboo asked after a few minutes of simply finishing up with their hot chocolate.

"Wha- wha- wai- what?" Tubbo asked.

"I mean, he usually answers us with 'fine' or 'whatever' so..." Ranboo trailed off. Tubbo looked down. "Which of us do you like more?"

"Huh?" Tubbo asked, head jerking up.

"Wai- I didn't mean it like that. I didn't!" Ranboo panicked quietly.  

"It's fine man, I get it. I love you both equally." Tubbo replied.

"I like you both the same as well. And I'm only married to one..." Ranboo said, hoping his husband would get the hint. He was not disappointed. 

"Oh. Oh! You want to marry Tommy as well!" Tubbo blinked.

"Yeah. I just wanna show him we care, and we would be able to force him to eat and sleep, husband privileges." Ranboo pointed out. "Maybe even longer therapy sessions, he's only been going for thirty minutes ever week, right?"

"Benefits. But the cons, too." Tubbo reminded. Ranboo was about to say something when Tubbo finished his sentence. "I'd have to share half your fortune when you die."

"I notice you said 'when' instead of 'if'." Ranboo teased.

"Weren't we born to die?" Tubbo asked. "You think Tommy would even want to be a part of it? I mean I was horrible to him. I caused a lot of his trauma."

"You indirectly caused it, Tubbo. I'm sure he'd like to, and he has the last say in it." Ranboo said. 

"Yeah, but he also agrees with everyone about anything. No more yelling or insults." Tubbo sighed. "Prime tell us how to help him."

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