"It was an... absolute pleasure."

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"So we want a sorta casual wedding." Tubbo said. Tommy and Ranboo nodded. Ranboo had started his scrapbook off with a wedding aesthetic idea, which both Tubbo and Tommy loved.

"And Niki to do the wedding cake." Ranboo added. Tommy nodded slowly. 

"Niki can go to hell before hurting you." Tubbo assured. Tommy looked a little convinced while Ranboo internally panicked. They didn't know about Jack.

"And us three plus Puffy are making the dinner." Tommy remembered. "Fundy's helping choose flowers and shit for the wedding."

"We have this sorta brown-yellow colour palette, right?" Tubbo pointed out, putting his finger on the paper in the scrapbook. They chose it out together.

"Quackity is gonna do the music, and Charlie is doing photos." Ranboo reminded. "Along with Eret doing the clothing."

"Are we almost done?" Tommy groaned two hours later. "This has been going fucking forever!"

"Almost done, Tommy. I still can't believe Tubbo convinced you to wear a dress." Eret chuckled. "With him, even."

"Fuck you. Is it almost done?" Tommy whined.

"Yes, it's done." Eret sighed.

"Really?" Tommy asked.

"No." Eret answered, continuing their measurements. Tommy muffled a scream in frustration.

"Finally done, bossman?" Tubbo asked.

"Fuck you." Tommy grunted. "Get me ice cream."

"Alright, alright." Ranboo laughed. "Hope he wasn't that bad."

"It was an... absolute pleasure." Eret hesitated.

"See? Absolute pleasure. Ice cream." Tommy said, walking away with Tubbo in tow.

"I'm really sorry." Ranboo apologized before running after Tommy and Tubbo. Eret waved goodbye, sighing. two-hundred and nineteen 'fuck you's in a single day, in less than two hours. It had to be a world record.

"Alright, so sunflowers on the side, right?" Fundy asked. "Do you want some other flowers with them or..?"

"Yeah, like one or two different flowers with the sunflowers to put on the side." Tubbo said.

"How about carnations? They look good with sunflowers, and mean love, protection, and strength." Fundy suggested.

"Yeah. That looks good, actually." Ranboo agreed.

"And add some dahlias as well? They mean elegance and love." Fundy said.

"Okay. All in yellow." Tommy added. "Or maybe white carnations instead."

"Yup. Can't have any wilted flowers. Or flowers with bad meanings." Fundy joked.

"Bad meanings?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah. Yellow carnations mean rejection and disappointment. Not good for a wedding." Tommy teased. "And black dahlias symbolize betrayal."

Tubbo and Ranboo shared a look.

"Really? I didn't know that." Ranboo noted. He gave Tubbo the look of Silent Panic™️. It was so commonly used Tubbo put a trademark on it, and nobody could exactly copy that look.

"Yup." Fundy nodded. "So, sunflowers, white carnations, and yellow dahlias on the sides?"

"Yep." The fiancés agreed.

"Quackity for the last time we are not playing 'Where Are The Askers' at our wedding." Tubbo finalized.

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