"I'm gonna name you Shroud!"

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"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf." Tommy played the piano.

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf." Ghostbur copied.

"Good." Tommy praised. "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf."

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, se-hept, huit, neuf." Ghostbur changed the melody.

"Sept, huit, neuf." Tommy tried again,

"Se-hept, huit, neuf." Ghostbur persisted.

"Sept, huit, neuf." Tommy placed his hands on Ghostbur's cold ones.

"Se-hept, huit, neuf." Ghostbur played again. He looked up at Tommy with empty eyes.

Tommy sighed. With both people's hands technically on the keyboard, they went back to the exercise. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!"

"Nice job," Tubbo greeted, cross-armed from the door, "you're a good teacher, Tommy."

"Ah, it's nothing." Tommy brushed off, silently feeling warm from the praise. From the corner, Friend stirred.

"We should take him for a walk!" Ghostbur gasped, floating over to his blue pet. Friend seemed to be falling ill to a light cold, nothing too bad, the Snowchester vet promised. He asked that they bring Friend in again if there were any other concerns, or of his symptoms didn't clear up in a week.

Tommy shrugged. "Wanna come with?"

"Why not?" Tubbo tugged his coat on.

Outside, the trio made their way around Snowchester, the citizens of the commune smiling towards them, children crowding around Friend and Ghostbur. Tommy started chatting with the candlemaker about women - joking, they were talking about raising children, whilst Tubbo talked to the blacksmith about what sort of armour was used in L'Manberg's wars. She moved to Snowchester later on, so she had no recollection of the nation other than from stories from her friends.

"Oi Tubbo!" Tommy yelled over. Tubbo looked up, sending an apologetic look to Evie, who just smiled back and returned to her smoking sword.

Tubbo stopped next to the blond. "What?"

"Wren says there's an orphan child living in the streets, that nobody can catch." Tommy answered.

"It's a spider hybrid, red eyes, multiple black limbs. They've been causing quite a ruckus, the market had some problems with the spider stealing food." Wren, the candlemaker, supplied. "We were trying to lure the kid out, but they're just too smart. We're now onto trying to trap them."

"Do you have any sort of info about the hybrid other then that?" Tubbo indulged.

"Looks to be around five to seven years old, red eyes, black body with multiple limbs." Wren listed off. "About to my hips. Wears rags, it's basically faded green and red pants and shirt. Untamed hair, it's to their shoulders."

"Thank you." Tommy smiled. "We'll keep an eye out."

"Nobody's been trying to harm him, right?" Tubbo confirmed.

Wren shook it's head. "No, but we're now onto using nets and boxes to try and get that chaotic little shit a bath and a meal. Some fresh clothes and a haircut as well, hopefully. The child's too smart for lures. Much too quick to grab by hand as well."

"Does anyone know where they're from?" Tommy questioned.

"He appeared around the time the Pres-Ghostbur got here, so five weeks ago?" Wren calculated.

"So, now we're onto the lookout for a spider hybrid child." Tubbo sighed. "An orphan, nobody knows where they're from, they've been stealing, and causing trouble around Snowchester?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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