First Day

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Monday – September 2nd – Hogwarts – 1991 – 7:13 AM

I woke with a smile as I sat up and gathered my school robe and some loose clothes for underneath. I smiled at the still sleeping Cecil before glanced at the shut curtains of my two dorm mates before heading into the shower.

Today was going to be interesting.


Monday – September 2nd – Hogwarts – 1991 – 7:35 AM

I stretched as I exited the bathroom with a sigh. I then grabbed my wand holster and clasped it to its rightful spot on my upper left shoulder. I then went into my trunk and grabbed out two large mice and a charms book before exiting the trunk. I then allowed Cecil to wrap around my left wrist before exiting the room and headed towards the Owlery. I smiled when I saw Hedwig.

"Hey Girl. I got a treat for you!" I said as I chucked her the two mice. Hedwig chirped and flew onto my shoulder and rubbed her head against my head before flying back to her perch in the Owlery. "I'll see you later Hedwig!" I called and headed towards the great Hall for breakfast. I entered and saw no one here. "Guess I'll just read my book." I said before I started reading.


Monday – September 2nd – Hogwarts – 1991 – 7:35 AM

"Mr. Potter." I glanced up to see Professor Flitwick watching me with concerned eyes. I smiled at him as I put down my book.

"Can I help you Professor…?" I couldn't let him know I know his name as I have only 'Just arrived'. Flitwick walked closer and took a seat beside me.

"Professor Flitwick. Why are you here all by yourself?" I blinked and slowly answered with a confused expression.

"Are student not allowed to be out early because if there is, I'm very sorry." I said as Flitwick shook his head. I blinked again.

"No. there is no rule against that but I want to know why you're here by yourself and not with any friends." I smiled softly. I wasn't in trouble.

"All the others were asleep and it would be rude to wake them up. And I can't just get Tracey from the girl's dormitory. So I decided to read a bit on charms in the great hall since it shouldn't be too long before the others get up for breakfast." Flitwick nodded his head and patted my head as he was only an inch or two taller than me. I gave a smile as I continued reading my book for ten more minutes before the door opened again and the other Professor's entered. I glanced at them before going back to reading my book. I heard someone approach me and pat my shoulder.

"Harry my boy! Can I call you Harry? It is nice to see someone as young as you up so early! And you're reading a charms book! Your mother was quite found of charms herself!" I looked up from my book and at Dumbledore as the other Professors walked past, Severus's and mine caught as he glared at me. I just smiled at him before turning back to Dumbledore with a blank expression. "I really need to talk to you after your classes about a few things my boy. Just ask one of the Professors to show you were it is." I nodded softly as Dumbledore headed up to the table.


He probably wants me to let him be back in charge of my accounts again and try get me to stop making himself, the Weasley's and Hermione paying me back. As if I would allow him control of my vaults again and my money. Good thing I still have my bracelet on me or he would be in my head and learning all my secrets and, plans.

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