Unexpected wake up call

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Saturday – 12thof March – Potter Manor – 10:43 AM

I gently rubbed Remus's back as he sobbed into his hands. The News article on the ground, crumbled and teared in half from the anger, shock and sadness that the Daily Prophet had written.

"I should have known that she wouldn't have really loved me!" Remus cried out. Sirius looked ready to murder Tonks. I sighed and pulled Remus into a hug. "How could anyone love a dark creature?" Remus cried out. Sirius looked a bit hurt but covered it and began comforting Remus as well. I raised my eyebrow slightly at that before gently pulling away from Remus.

"I see you as my honorary Uncle, which means I love you. And I don't mean my muggle Uncle." I said softly and Remus just shook his head. "Don't dwell on Tonks, move on and look out for those types of people so you don't get hurt again." I said and nodded to Sirius to look after Remus. "I'll be back in a few hours." I turned and left quickly.

How dare she do this to Remus! Just using him to try get close to me and learn all my plans. I can't believe she got pregnant because she though it would help get her out of Azkaban. It's a good thing Madam Bones is filling in for Minister of Magic until a new one is elected or Tonks would be free. Once she gives birth, she'll be healed and shipped off to Azkaban for the next twenty years while also being banned from talking to, going near and visiting her child and Remus when she is released.

I entered the Ministry of Magic for the trial of Granger. I sat down and waited for the rest of the people to arrive so the trial could start. I glanced around and narrowed my eyes when I saw Grangers parents weren't there.

Surely the ministry would contact them, especially with Madam Bones as the Minister of Magic for now. Hopefully I'll find out what happened to them during this trial. I'll also have to see who the upcoming elections for the Minister of Magic are.

"What is your name?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Granger at the stand and a bottle of Veritaserum next to her.

"Hermione Jane Granger." Granger said with blank eyes.

"How old are you?" I smirked softly as I recognised Parker as the questioner.

"I am twelve." Granger said slowly.

"Where do you go to school?" The Parker asked the third question.

"Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Veritaserum seems to be working. I will proceed with the questions." Parker nodded at Madam Bones and turned back to Hermione. "Did you know your parents are dead?" Parker questioned. My eyes widened in shock.

"Yes." Granger said.

"Do you know who killed them?" Parker continued.

"Yes." Granger said again.

"Who killed your parents a few weeks after you were kidnaped or voluntarily left your home?" Parker questioned.

"Dumbledore, Tonks and I killed them to keep them quiet and stop them from keeping me away from magic." People on the stand gasped.

"Did you voluntarily leave your house the few weeks before you helped kill your parents?" Parker asked, his face white with the shock of a child killing.

"Yes." Granger said again.

"Did you plan to kill Potter and the remaining Weasley's with other Dumbledore supporters?" Parker continued.

"Yes." Granger answered.

"Do you regret any of your actions at all?" Parker asked softly. People in the stands waited for Granger to answer.

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