7. "You need to wash that off"

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Mila's POV

The world stood still, People were yelling, some were even crying and everyone was shoving each other around. 

I saw Fez getting pulled off of Nate whose lifeless body was laying on the ground, blood pouring out of different areas of his face. I just stood there watching the whole scene, why did this happen? 

I was brought back into reality by Maddy pulling me along with her down towards Nate, where Cassie was already sitting. 

"Oh my god", I stuttered as tears welled up in my eyes, the love of my life was literally covered in blood, laying on the floor without any movement. 

"We need to get him to the hospital!" Maddy yelled at someone. 

"Mila fucking snap out of it", Maddy yelled at me before I felt a hard impact on my cheek. Did she really just slap me? 

But it helped, I was back in the real world now fully focused on my boyfriend. 

"Come on everyone take a part of him and lift on three", McKay told us. We all got a body part of Nate and on three we managed to get him up. 

"My car is unlocked we can take it", Maddy said as the four of us carried Nate into her car. His head was laying in my lap while I crawled his hair a little. 

I looked at Maddy through the review mirror and I could see the fear in her eyes. This was just horrible for everyone. 

"Have you texted his parents?", McKay asked from the front seat. "Oh uhm fuck, no", I mumbled getting out my phone texting Marsha and Cal that they needed to come to the hospital because Nate was injured. 

We made it to the hospital within 5 minutes and McKay went inside yelling for help. Without really realizing it Nate was pulled off of my lap and onto a stretcher. 

Cassie, Maddy, and I made it outside following the paramedics. I was running next to Nate looking down at him, never have I ever seen him this lifeless, this calm. 

I looked up to meet Maddys' gaze, she was probably thinking the same. 

"Ma'm you three need to wait here, we're gonna take Mister Jacobs into the shock room. Please contact his family", the doctor told me as they wheeled him inside the room. 

Maddy came up to me and hugged me tightly, at that point I just broke down. I know it's a little dramatic and I know he would get through but it was just the shock that I was finally processing. 

"He's going to be fine", Maddy whispered over and over again while I buried my head in her shoulder letting it all out. 

After I finally calmed down, the Jacobs arrived. "Oh my God Mila are you okay?", Marsha asked rushing over to me, I looked down on me and saw blood all over my tights. 

"Yeah I'm fine", I quickly said knowing it was Nate's blood which actually made me feel really sick. 

"He's in the shock room, they're stitching him up I guess", I explained to Nates' parents. 

"What happened?", Cal asked. "He got into a fight, it just happened out of nowhere", I explained. 

"Do any of you know who it was?", Marsha asked us. I knew we were not going to snitch on Fez, he might have had his reasons and I had the gut feeling I was one of them.

"No I didn't see the guy", I lied. "Me either it just happened so fast", Maddy explained. "Yeah totally", Cassie added. 

We all waited for a little longer until one of us could go in which was Cal. "He is okay now but we will have him stay for two more nights, just to make sure he hasn't damaged his brain", the doctor explained to us. 

"Oh good", Marsha said turning to us, "Go home girls, get changed and cleaned up. Try and sleep a little I will update you Mila, if there are any news I'm sure she will tell you two if anything happens". 

Marsha pulled me into a quick hug "Thank you for watching out for him". "Of course", I smiled against her. 

The three of us went outside and met up with McKay who I didn't even realize was still here. Maddy put her arm around my shoulders leaning her head on them. "God this year started crazy", she said. 

Maddy drove us all home, Cassie and I went into our rooms without saying another word to each other. I felt empty and just wanted to be with Nate. 

I know he treats me wrong a lot of the time but he is still the love of my life. He just has a bad temper I guess and what Fez did wasn't alright, yet I wasn't mad at him. 

What if he just needed to teach Nate a lesson? Which he honestly deserved.

from Nate to Mi<3 05:34 AM

Hey Baby, thank you for taking care of me tonight. I love you always and forever <3

I smiled at the text, it meant he was awake so he was somewhat okay. I quickly washed all of the blood off of me as well as my make-up, then I did my quick skincare routine even though I was drunk, it was a must. 

As I laid down on my bed I replied to him:

from Mila to Nate<3 05:45 AM

Always and forever, I love you

The next morning the light burned my eyes, it was way too bright for my hangover-self but I needed to take an Advil drink some water and get my shit together. 

"Are you okay Mila? Lexi just told me what happened, is Nate okay?", Suze asked pulling me into a hug. "I think so, he is going to stay at the hospital for one more night so that the doctors can watch him", I explained. 

I quickly made myself some food and popped an Advil in my mouth to make the headache go away. 

I sat down in front of Lexi who was typing away on her laptop. "You writing on your play?", I asked. "Yeah, I'm trying", she smiled at me. I honestly couldn't wait to read and see it. 

"Where is the Tylenol?", Cassie asked coming down the stairs. "Cassie is that Nate's blood on your legs?", Lexi asked as my cousin walked past us with my boyfriends' blood still all over her tights. 

"Uhm, fuck, yeah", Cassie muttered. "You need to wash that off", I said in disgust, the sight of blood not doing any good for my stomach. 

Cassie seemed to be weirded out for some reason. "Hey Cas, where were you the entire evening?", I asked because I didn't really see her a lot at the party. 

She stopped dead in her tracks as if I asked her something inappropriate. "Uhm I was dancing and stuff, a lot outside actually", she explained and Lexi and I just nodded turning back to what we were doing. 

Right as I finished my food I got a message from Nate. 

from Nate to Mi<3 11:15 AM

Good morning beautiful, I had a dream about you last night. I know it sounds crazy but I dreamed of us being a family and I actually can't wait

I smiled at the text and quickly responded. 

"Is that Nate?", Cassie asked sitting down in front of me. "Yeah, he send me like the sweetest text tonight and right now", I smiled feeling a blush creep up my face. 

"Really what did he say?", Cassie asked taking a sip from her orange juice. 

"He thanked me for taking care of him and that he loves me forever, and right now he told me that he had a dream about starting a family with me and that he can't wait". 

"Aw that's like so adorable", Lexi smiled up from her laptop. "Yeah that's really sweet", Cassie smiled sadly. Why was she acting so weird? 

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