23. "Hey Cas?"

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Mila's POV

"Thank you so much you two", I smiled giving Kat and BB a hug, they had gotten me a new small little purse along with some flowers.

"You're so welcome Mi", Kat smiled and so did BB.

All of the girls had arrived on time, but Rue. I did invite her but it was obvious that she wasn't going to come over since she was really in her addiction at the moment.

We all got ourselves some drinks to start the night with.

"Cheers to Mila!", they all said in unison before we took a sip.

Suze turned up the music opening the dance floor as always, she had a crazy obsession with dancing the entire night whenever she could.

I smiled at my new mom and glanced at my phone quickly replying to a few more people.

from Nate to Mi<3 8:55 PM

I'm gonna come over around 10 <3. Happy Birthday Mi

from Mila to Nate 9 PM

Okay, thank you <3

"How's Nate doing?", Cassie asked sitting down next to me. "He's good I think", I smiled. "That's good to hear, I haven't seen him in so long", she muttered looking at all of our friends.

"I'm really happy you're my sister now", Cassie smiled already being drunk. "Me too", I giggled as I took another sip.

"Bitch come on", Maddy laughed pulling me with her to the dance floor. I laughed as I joined them, dancing the night away.

I definitely needed a bit more to drink until I could fully let go. I went into the kitchen to grab another drink and to down another shot, I mean it's my birthday, I was allowed to get completely wasted.

"Hey Lex", I smiled at her while pouring another drink. "Hey Mi, do you think Cassie's Bipolar?", Lexi asked all seriously.

"Uhm I don't know Lex, why are you asking?", I asked and glanced over at the wasted blonde girl tumbling around in the living room.

"I just feel like she's acting so weird. Honestly, I think she's gonna explode under all this weird pressure she gives off", Lexi sighed keeping her gaze on her older sister.

"Yeah I know what you mean, maybe she is bipolar, or maybe it's because of the baby you know?", I agreed.

No one really talked about the abortion anymore, when it was actually a big thing. Cassie could have been depressed from it but we all were too busy with our own lives.

"Yeah maybe. I can't wait for the day she gets back to her normal self", Lexi said.

"Yeah, me too".

"Maybe she just needs some dick", Lexi joked making me laugh. "Lex"


The doorbell rang around 10 PM and I quickly answered it, knowing it was Nate.

He looked amazing, he was wearing dark grey dress pants, a white t-shirt, which he had tucked into his pants, and of course his pretty gold chain.

"You look amazing", he smiled and kissed my cheek. "You look amazing Nate", I grinned, to my defense, I was drunk.

"Happy Birthday pretty lady", he said tugging a strand of hair behind my ear before handing me my present. I still had a blush creeping up my cheeks from his comments when I opened the package.

"Oh wow Nate", I smiled as I looked into the box only to find a matching necklace to the ring he gave me on Christmas.

"I wanted you to have it all matching", he smiled rightly.

"Thank you so much", I smiled and pulled the tallboy into a bone-crushing hug.

If I was being honest, I missed him so fucking much. Nate was not only my boyfriend but also my best friend, he was the person I relied on the most and he would forever be that person.

"I miss you", I whispered into the hug, not wanting to let go.

Even though I needed the time to myself I was starting to feel lonely, being with the person you love and yet being so far away from each other is truly a challenge.

"I miss you too Mi", he whispered and placed a few kisses on my neck.

We pulled away and before anything like a kiss could happen the doorbell rang again. Nate gave me a confused look which I returned.

I opened the door only to reveal a sweaty, panting Rue. "Hey Rue, what are you doing here?", I asked the exhausting-looking girl.

"Hey Mi, uhm can I use the bathroom?", she asked as Suze came up to us as well as all the other girls, they greeted her.

"Hey Rue, how are you doing?", Suze asked playing with her glass of wine. "Good", the girl smiled.

"You've been staying clean?", "Yeah of course", Rue smiled but we all knew that was not. the truth, she probably was high as fuck right now.

"Being a good girl", Suze smirked.

We all watched the scene go down in front of us.

"Hey Suze uhm could I use the bathroom?", Rue asked and looked kind of in pain almost. "Yeah sure honey", my aunt/mother smiled.

Rue quickly headed upstairs before my aunt turned to all of us with a sad face, "She's not doing okay, her mother had texted me earlier that she ran out of their car after she wanted to take her to rehab".


Within five minutes Lesly, Rue's mother, was standing in our doorway as well. Couldn't they have waited one more day until my birthday was over?

Nate stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my shoulder as we all waited for Rue to come downstairs.

Finally, the girl came downstairs, and as soon as she spotted her mother standing in the doorway, the screaming began.

"Mom I can't go to rehab", Rue yelled over and over again.

"I just can't do it no more, I need a break, I can't keep doing it, it's too hard", Rue cried and my heart ached for her.

Rue used to be this super happy girl before her dad died, after that everything changed. It was sad to see the girl fall so deeply into her addiction that nothing mattered anymore but drugs.

"Baby I know but you need the help, you know you can do it. You're a strong woman", Lesly explained to her daughter who was sitting at the top of the staircase at this point.

I sighed watching the whole scene go down.

"Hey Rue, you don't need to get better immediately, you can take it one step at a time", Cassie spoke up looking around at us.

We all smiled at her giving her thumbs up, even though her speech probably didn't change anything in the girls' mind.

Rehab sucked, it was draining and painful. I was glad that my addiction wasn't as heavy as Rues, she would probably have the worst pains in her life, and to be honest, I totally got why she was dreading to go there.

Rue didn't say a word, she looked up with a slight grin staring right at Cassie.

"Hey Cas?", she asked still sounding like she was out of breath.

"Yes Rue Rue?", Cassie asked while smiling at her.

What was about to come out of her mouth would change everything. I wish I could delete that memory out of my head because in that very moment, everything made sense.

"Since when have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?"


Sorry guys, I had to leave a cliffhanger. I'm so excited for shit to go down...

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