24. "You're putting me through hell"

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Mila's POV

"Since when have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?", Rue asked my cousin who was starting to laugh awkwardly.

The world stood still yet again, I didn't feel any air in the room and I couldn't feel anything. The breath in my lungs stood still, my brain wasn't doing anything, the only thing I could feel and hear was my heart. It was pounding, it wasn't just angry but it hurt so badly that I thought it might actually break in half.

"What?", Cassie laughed awkwardly. Nate had dropped his arms from my shoulder and nobody said anything.

Everyone was kind of in shock, Lexi had her hand placed on her mouth, Maddy had her mouth open glancing at both Rue and Cassie.

"I don't even know why she would say that?", Cassie started to rant.

I finally could move again, my entire body was electrified within seconds.

Everything made sense, the thong, the weird behavior on New Year's eve, Cassie's way of talking me into a relationship with Fez.

Everything finally fell into place. When I made my wish I didn't think it would end like this.

"What?", was all I managed to say while stepping out of Nates' arms, his touch burned on my skin.

"She's a drug addict, why would you believe her Mila? I am your sister you can trust me", Cassie chuckled blushing so her entire face was flushed.

She was lying I could tell.

"I don't care who fucked whose boyfriend", Lesly started and I shot her a glare.

"Actually I don't fucking care what you think. This is my birthday party so I am sorry to break it to you, I in fact care who fucked my fucking boyfriend", I snapped at the woman, the anger that was inside of me started to boil.

"Are you fucking serious Cassie?", I asked still in shock. Maddy had stepped up behind me, ready to fight the blonde girl if she tried to escape that situation.

"What? no Mila, no", she said and looked over at Nate who just kept standing where he originally was.

"Oh don't you fucking look at him. Are you fucking serious Cassie?", I said in a threatening tone, the girl started shedding a few tears. That was it, my blood was boiling and I was ready to rip her fucking head off of her stupid body.

"You're the most self-centered, idiotic person I have ever fucking met. You fuck my Boyfriend and you're fucking crying?!", I yelled stepping closer to the girl.

Cassie didn't move just quietly cried all to herself. She knew that if she moved one muscle she could be dead within a few seconds.

"Rue, when was this?", I asked looking up at the girl who was still sitting at the top of our staircase.

"Right after New Years", she explained.

I giggled slightly, I was right, I was right the entire fucking time. Not did only Nate lie to me but Cassie, my fucking sister.

"You dumb fucking bitch I'm gonna fucking kill you!", I yelled but Cassie already slipped away from Maddy and I, running up the stairs.

I didn't even think for one second and followed her up, chasing after her. The person I loved the most on this earth.

Maddy was right behind me as we pounded on her bathroom door. "Cassie open the fucking door", I cried trying to open the door, pounding my fists against it, while tears slipped down my cheeks.

The parallels from New Year's were actually scary.

"Open the fucking door Cassie!", I yelled not wanting it to be true, the biggest trust break I had ever felt.

"This isn't about Nate, this is about us", I cried as the tears started running down my cheeks faster, "You are my fucking sister. Why did you do that to me? Why"

"Hey Mi", Maddy whispered as well as Kat, as they both tried to comfort me.

"You're a fucking coward and I would have never done this to you, I would have never done this to you", I cried even harder, "Why? Why did you do it Cassie? You betrayed me, you know how bad Sam broke my heart and you fucking did the same".

I cried even harder realizing, that the story had repeated itself but this time it was even worse. I felt sick to my stomach, the entire world was spinning and my tears made my vision blurry.

I felt as if I was suffocating as if my entire body was about to shut down.

"Nate treated me so badly, he abused me and now he's fucking my sister? When is it ever gonna end?", I cried harder, my head leaning against the cold door.

The two girls managed to get me out of my sisters' room and back into the hallway, unfortunately, Nate was already waiting.

He tried to pull me into his arms for whatever fucking reason.

"Don't fucking touch me!", I yelled at him, I looked up at him and felt my heartbreak all over again.

"Mila", he started but I hushed him by slapping him hard.

"You bastard!", I yelled, "How could you do that to me?! You promised me you weren't cheating, you promised. You're sick, you played me the entire time!"

I had to gasp for air because for some reason there was none left in the entire house.

"Mila I'm so-"

"Don't you dare say you're sorry. You fucked her the entire time, my sister. You're so fucked up, why didn't you just stop, when are you ever gonna see that you're putting me through hell?", I cried more, "I loved you, you knew that. I have never loved anyone more. You bastard. You kissed me with the same lips you kissed her? How could you do that?".

Nate didn't even reply to me while I was letting everything I had been holding back for the past months out.

"How could you do that to me? You're disgusting, fuck", I cried, "I fucking hate you. You're dead to me. I never want to see you ever again".

On my last words towards him, I shoved him against the wall before throwing the ring he had given me right at him. Maddy and Kat quickly grabbed me before I could do more harm than good, they held me as I broke down to my knees letting all of the sobs escape my mouth.

It felt like a part of me was dying, that wasn't what I had intended happening on my birthday.

"Come on Mi, you can stay at my house", Maddy whispered softly in my ear as I started to calm down a little bit.

I didn't want to talk because if I tried to talk I would break down again, I felt like I had just shattered into a million pieces.

Kat went downstairs and talked to Suze, probably about the whole situation and how they were about to take me with them to Maddys' place.

I couldn't even remember where Nate was or where he went, and honestly, I didn't care.

The girls had managed to get me off of the ground and walked me outside. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to feel weak but I did.

"You wanna stay at mine or do you want to go to Fezco's?", Maddy asked, she always knew what I needed in every situation.

She nodded even though I didn't reply, she quickly typed something away on her phone before starting her car and taking me with her.

I glanced at the dark night in the driving car, all I could think about was how stupid I was to not see any of the signs.

I couldn't stop myself from quietly crying, it just wouldn't stop, it was as if the ocean was inside of me and wanted to get out.

Maddy stopped the car and walked me up to the front door, which luckily was already open. I found myself in the only strong arms I wanted to be in for the rest of the day.

"Thanks, Maddy", I whispered, she patted my back softly before leaving me and Fez alone.

"Let's go inside shall we?", he asked softly, probably scared I would just start breaking at any point.

Fez guided me into his bedroom and quickly shut the door, "Mi fuck, I'm so sorry".


Finally, the chapter you have all been waiting for is here

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