8. "They might actually kill you"

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Mila's POV 

"Hey Baby", I smiled entering my boyfriends' room, he had just gotten out of the hospital but Marsha thought it would be the best idea for me to come over and look out for him. 

"Hey Mi", Nate smiled or what you would call smiling in his condition, sitting up slightly. I was shocked by how badly his face looked. 

His left eye was swollen and bruised, his entire face was bruised, he had scratches all over, and there was a huge gash with stitches above his left eyebrow. 

"Oh god", I gasped taking in his image. "Nice view right?", Nate asked trying to make a joke. I rushed over to him and got on top of him hugging him tightly. 

"I'm so happy you're back", I whispered against his shoulder. "Me too Baby but I actually don't feel that bad", Nate explained hugging me back. 

"You're not going to school on Monday are you?", I asked since school was about to start in three days. 

"No I can stay home but I'm going to go on Thursday probably", he explained looking up at me. 

"That was so scary", I said lightly caressing his bruised face. "I know I actually don't fucking know what his problem was", Nate said getting angry. 

"Hey don't get angry you need to rest Babe", I explained pushing him back so he was laying down again. 

"I know, you take such good care of me", he smiled placing a soft kiss on my cheek. 

"I'm sorry for getting out of the car", I mumbled against him. "I know Baby, I'm sorry for flipping on you", Nate said pulling me closer to him. 

"You wanna watch a movie?", he asked sitting up a little bit more. "Yes of course", I replied and laid down next to him snuggling into him. 

Laying in Nate's arms always made me feel safe. Whenever I was laying in them I felt like nothing in the world could harm me, I was protected by the man I belonged to.

After we finished the movie, I decided to leave, so Nate could get some rest. While I was walking down I heard Cal approaching me. 

"Mila I need to talk to you for a second", he told me. I nodded and waited on what he wanted to talk about. 

"Do you know who abused my son?", he asked in a low steady voice. 

"I don't know Cal, I already told you and Marsha that I don't know", I explained. "Well I don't believe you", he said stepping a little closer to me, "I really hope you're not lying to protect someone. You are my son's girlfriend, you should have his back". 

"I know but I really don't know, I was dancing when it happened and honestly I fell into a trance-like state and didn't really realize what was going on until we brought Nate to the hospital", I lied.

"Okay I hope you're telling me the truth", Cal said after stepping away so I could leave the house. "Have a good night", I yelled at Marsha and at him before leaving. 

I know it was wrong not saying who Nate got beaten up by but I would never snitch on Fez. He was such an important person to me and I would protect him under any circumstance. 

When I got home Suze was watching Cassie standing outside in the garden on the phone with someone. 

"Do any of you know, what's wrong with your sister?",  Suze asked Lexi and I. 

Your sister, I smiled at the thought of that and reminded me to finish filling out the adoption papers. 

"I totally don't know, maybe she's having a nervous breakdown", Lexi explained. "Yeah maybe she's just depressed, I mean she's been since the abortion", I explained and Suze nodded to herself. "Yeah, you're probably right". 

Cassie's POV

I was on the phone with Nate, I just couldn't work out what to do about our situation. 

"Nate you can't do this to me", I whined into my phone. "Cassie, Mila just left. What do you want me to do? Call you when she's here?", Nate asked angrily. 

"You're right but what should we do?", I asked panicking as I noticed Mila standing next to my mom, "Nate I really don't know what to do". 

"Do you think I know what to do?", he yelled, "Fuck Cassie it was a mistake and we both know it". 

"Yeah you're right", I sniffed, his words actually hurt me. I was scared someone would hear me so I went upstairs into mine and Lexi's room and hid in the bathroom. 

"You know I'm actually scared of Maddy and Mila. If they find out they might actually kill you", Nate muttered. 

"I know but Mila will never talk to you again", I explained as tears streamed down my face, how could I do that to the person I loved the most, my cousin or well my sister. 

"I know", Nate said he seemed uninterested almost as if he was doing something else while talking to me. 

I kept on talking about how worried I was and that we needed to figure things out immediately and how we couldn't do it ever again. 

"We can see each other next Friday", Nate finally said as a smile appeared on my lips. I was about to spend alone time with him. 


Mila's POV

Monday came around faster than I had thought. I was wearing a black turtleneck long sleeve along with a creme-colored skirt. 

The day was actually going fine, the teachers only talked about our plan for this year and asked us how our holidays were. 

"I feel like I would look so sexy pregnant", Maddy said while Kat, BB, and I went to the bathroom with her. 

"Maddy please don't get pregnant", Kat said laughing a little as she went and washed her hands. "I wouldn't wear any of those nasty maternity clothes, just me but pregnant", Maddy kept on ranting. 

"You're like actually insane", I laughed while sitting next to BB. I was scrolling through my Instagram and saw that Ethan had posted a cute picture of him and Kat. 

"That picture of you and Ethan is literally so cute", I smiled. "Thank you", Kat smiled. "You two are like so in love without that toxic shit, it's actually triggering", I muttered looking at their photo a little longer. 

"How are you two actually? Is he like good in bed?", Maddy asked with a smirk, we all knew Kat was into some really weird stuff. 

"Yeah really, just last night he literally ripped my clothes off and fucked me from behind, it was really good", Kat said but it seemed like a lie. 

"Go Ethan", BB cheered making us all giggle. 

The day kept on and nothing exciting really happened but there was one weird thing, it was Cassie. I hadn't really seen her since we all got out of the car that morning, it seemed like she was ignoring us. 

Maddy and I walked to a class today and Cassie walked up to us but right before she approached us, she just dipped. "Why is she acting that way?", Maddy asked me as we continued to walk to class. "I don't know she's been like that for a few days", I explained. 

That day Cassie and I went home together after practice. "Are you okay Cas?", I asked my cousin who seemed extremely nervous. 

"Yeah why?", she asked. "You seem all nervous and weirded out", I explained texting Nate about how much I missed him at school today. 

"Uhm no I'm fine", she explained. "Are you like talking to McKay again?", I asked making her look up at me immediately. 


"I saw you guys leave for like an hour at the party I thought maybe he and you hooked up or something and that you are talking again", I explained. 

"Oh yeah we are talking a little", Cassie agreed before parking the car in front of our house. 

She got out quickly and we walked into the living room where Suze, Lexi, and Cal Jacobs were already waiting for us. 


Just got tested positive for corona, lucky for you I might be able to finish the book now, so I can upload twice a day <3

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