Chapter 12

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"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott shouts.

"How am I going to lock it!" Stiles shouts back.

"Grab something!" Scott shouts back at him, holding the door so it won't open.

"Like what?!" Stiles shouts.

"ANYTHING!" I scream back in a cry.

Stiles stands up and looks through the door window, eyeing something on the ground outside the door.

"Stiles don't" I beg him.

Scott drags me to my feet and we see the bolt cutter only a few metres away, knowing Stiles he wants to go get it so he can use it to lock the door. My legs are shaking, I feel like I'm going to faint due to all this anxiety. My head feels heavy.



"Stiles don't!"

Stiles opens the door and looks around for the alpha to make sure he is in the clear. I grip Scott's arm and my breath is more un even than ever. Stiles walks, fucking walks to the bolt cutter, taking his time and I look behind Stiles' jeep to see the alpha crawling out behind it, looking directly at Stiles. Scott and I start banging on the door shouting to Stiles to come back, he looks back at us then looks at what is in front of him. He grabs the bolt cutters and freezes, seeing the alpha running towards him with his glowing red eyes. Stiles jumps to his feet and runs back inside and slams the front of the school doors and jams the bolt cutters in so it 'locks' the doors.

"We are going to die, we are going to die" I say panicking.

"Where did it go?" Scott asks as we look out the windows to the carpark, trying to find the beast.

All of our breaths are hard and unsteady, fear in our hearts, our bodies shaking due to the events that just happened. We back up away from the door, looking at the bolt cutters only just holding the door. Derek comes into my mind. He is dead. The alpha killed him right in front of us. I felt the alpha near, I should of said something, I could of saved Derek. The boys stop and I keep walking back a bit more, my hands shaking. I helped the alpha kill Derek. My breath hitches at the thought. Tears fly down my cheeks, my head feeling even heavier.

"That won't hold will it" Scott asks Stiles.

Stiles stays quiet for a moment, "Properly not"

They look at each other, and then notice I'm not next to them, they look back to me seeing my state of utter shock and fear. I fall onto my butt and bring my knees to my chest, I feel myself having a panic attack, I can't breathe.

"Clara?" Stiles asks walking forward, closer to me.

"I f-felt the alphas presence, but I d-didn't say a-a-anything, I should of s-s-said something, I-I helped the alpha k-k-kill D-Derek. He is d-d-dead because of me, I s-should of d-done something, I could of s-saved him" I cry, wiping the tears and the mascara making me look like a racoon.

"Clara, breathe, come on Clara, don't have a panic attack on me" Stiles says kneeling down and holding my cheeks.

My eyes keep wondering around the dark school hallway.

"Clara look at me!" Stiles shouts and my eyes dart back to his bright hazel ones.

"S-S-Stiles" I whisper out in a small cry.

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