Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV:

I manage to use my hands to push half myself off the floor as I sit on my knees, when I lift my head up I feel cold running down my face as I take a look at the boy in front of me.

His facial expression changes from angry to confused within seconds, but returns to a frown as I watch one of his dark haired curls fall in front of his piercing eyes.

I look around the hallway to see no one else here, Hogwarts looks the same, it's clean but looks more dustier and less new.

" you can walk around me" I tell him obviously as there's so much room.

He looks down on me with the same frown but somehow it looks more angry as if he wasn't satisfied with my response.

" I don't make exceptions for people. Now move" he says through gritted teeth.

A sharp pain occurs on head as I whimper, I raise my fingers to my head to gently touch it when I see blood on my hands.

The boy in front of me scoffs loudly as I watch him roll his eyes because I'm taking forever to move, can't he see I'm in pain?

I manage to stand up and just as my feet are steady on the ground he shoulder-barges hard into me, knocking down my balance, " you're bleeding by the way" he says glad that I'm in pain before walking past. 

He doesn't see but I dirty look him as I walks off, thankfully I still have my memory so I go to the nearest toilets to clean up my cut. Dumbledore could have warned me how hard the fall would be.

I only wet tissue to stop it from bleeding but it still looks awful, a large open wound on my head, just above my eyebrow.

I'm unsure to why the halls are empty and I'm desperate for new information as I have no idea what my storyline is here but I get my answers when I see an old man walk towards me like he's in a hurry.

" no time for snooping now!" He shouts at me like he looks relived to see me.

" you'll get your tour later!" He tells me as he grabs my arm as I follow him.

" tour?" I repeat confused, I could be getting kidnapped right now and I'm allowing it happen.

" you are y/n y/l/n, aren't you?" He asks concerned.

" yes" I say happy that someone knows my existence, he stops walking and we are stood outside the Great Hall, the doors are closed.

" you just hide behind there a second, sorry for this hasty introduction, I just need to do my speech and then when I call you in, walk in and we'll get your sorted into a house" he explains nicely and he hurriedly waves me off into a corner.

" no wandering off!" He snaps before he walks into the Great Hall and the doors behind him close before I can ask any questions, but I can answer for myself. That must be headmaster Dippet.

I try to pull my hair down in front of me and brush it with my fingers, I didn't even notice my outfit change, I'm in plain robes with no house on them. I brush down my skirt with my hands and make myself look presentable and I catch some of speech.

" Welcome to another year at Hogwarts"

" Restricted section is closed at all times"

" Not allowed out past curfew"

I block most of it out as I'm patiently waiting for my name to be called when finally it comes.

" And finally, we have a transfer student!" I hear him say and the sound of loud whispers take over his voice that he has to hush everyone.

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora