Chapter 17

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Tom's POV:

" can you walk slower!?" I hear y/n ask me.

I'm dragging her hand through the halls, it's not my prefect duty today but it's past curfew, luckily I've memorised everything and therefore know how to not get us caught.

" can you stop stomping?!" I turn around and ask her.

We are both whisper shouting at each other, " it's not my fault! It's the heels fault!"

" why are you wearing heels?!"

" they're my school shoes!"

" why do they have heels on them!? They're loud and about to get us caught any second!"

Y/n shrugs behind me and smiles to herself, " hearing the click and clack of them when I walk into class makes me feel powerful"

I roll my eyes at her, " you won't be feeling so powerful when you end up in detention for stealing" I alarm her.

" you mean when we end up in detention" she tries to correct me but I chuckle.

" no I mean you, I'm not wearing heels, I can run" I say with a smirk.

" I can't believe you'd throw me under the bus like that!" She exclaims.

" really? I can" I tell her.

We reach the outside of Slughorn's office when we see him walk out of it and locking it before he leaves and walks into a different direction.

" Where is he going?" Y/n whispers to me.

" probably into their bedchambers" I answer.

" they have those?"

" no, all professors sleep in the classrooms y/n" I say sarcastically.

If she used the same tone on me as I do to her, I'd probably frown at her and think ' how dare she' but all she does is quietly giggle and smile.

" Alright, you stay here" I tell her.

" what! Why?"

" I'll be quicker going in on my own obviously"

Y/n frowns and it's hard not to laugh, she looks no where close to intimidating.

" I didn't come all this way for nothing"

" stay out here and keep watch" I tell her.

I hear her sigh but she listens.

Y/n's POV:

Tom has been in his office for nearly 10 minutes and I grow impatient, surely it doesn't take that long.

Just when I'm about to walk in myself, he walks out with Veritaserum in his hand.

" you took your time" I tell him.

He locks the door and we both walk back to the common room, rushing to get there without being caught that our cautiousness isn't as high as it was when we left and we bump into Slughorn, I panic but Tom remains calm.

" Tom my boy! What are you doing out here at this time with... Miss y/l/n?" He asks in his sleeping robes, I awkwardly chuckle not knowing how to respond.

Tom discreetly hides the potion in his pocket and he doesn't suspect a thing.

" Professor Slughorn, y/n got lost on the way back from the library" He says and I'm thankful he doesn't made me out to look bad.

Slughorn darts his eyes towards me and I smile going along with it, " I'm still getting used to the castle grounds"

" I see..." Slughorn says, he doesn't looked overly convinced but he also doesn't look suspicious.

" alright I'll let yous go, quick now before someone else sees you" he says as he walks past us.

Tom and I continue walking.

" that was close-" I go to say but we called back.

" wait Tom" Slughorn says as he slowly turns around.

" yes sir?" Tom answers in his voice that gives me goosebumps.

" I was thinking about the question you asked me the other day" Slughorn begins.

I've never seen Tom looked scared and I doubt I ever will but he looks like this isn't a conversation he wants to be having as he struggles to stand still and cuts him off.

" yes don't worry about it-"

" And I know it was a very dangerous and serious question however I want you to know that if it's for educational purposes only-" Slughorn continues.

" it was Sir, maybe we can talk more about it tomorrow" Tom says strict.

" I'm rather tired and I need to show y/n the easy route to get back to the Slytherin common room"

" oh yes of course well, stay out of danger Tom and no more asking questions about-"

" I know goodnight" Tom says as he takes my arm again, walking speedily through the halls.

I have to do little jogs now and then to keep up with him.

" what was he talking about?" I ask.

" nothing" he shuts down.

" what questions were you asking?" I pry.

" Slughorn likes to make a big deal out of things" he tells me as we reach the Slytherin common room, when we're inside no one is around.

" but what were you asking? How was it a dangerous question?"

" all questions are dangerous if you're intentions are bad" he responds.

" was it dark magic? Why were you asking a potions master that?"

" we'll take the veritaserum tomorrow, later in the afternoon if your friend is up to it" he says.

" what dangerous questions were you asking?" I ask again sounding desperate.

This time instead of changing the topic, he doesn't answer me at all.

" Why did you ask him instead of searching library?"

Again no answer.

" why aren't you answering me?!" I ask irritated.

" because you talk too much" Tom says walking over to me.

I go to respond when he unexpectedly grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in to kiss my lips, I'm shocked but I don't pull away, I allow him.

His lips are soft but the kiss is forceful as he pushes his lips as hard as he can into mine and despite our hands not being all over each other, it feels electric.

Suddenly, he breaks away and looks deep into my eyes before stepping back and heading up to his dormitory, pretending as if it never happened.

He was the one who suggested both him and Ascot taking the truth potion and whether Tom did it or not, I think I won't be able to prevent asking more unrelated questions.

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now