Chapter 8

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Y/n's POV:

The next morning, I feel rather lonely when I walk into the Great Hall, I sit by myself, wishing I was back at home, Fred and George would never let me be all alone. They don't leave my side, I don't catch a break from them. But I'd choose that everyday.

" is this seat taken?" A man's voice says.

I turn around to see Ascot, I give him a small relived smile when I encouragingly nod for him to sit down.

" I'm sorry for what I said yesterday" he says when I don't speak first.

I shrug, " I'm sorry for how defensive I got, but you got me into a lot of trouble" I tell him quietly.

" how?" He asks confused.

" When I saw Elliot with his diary, I took it off him, I would have done the same thing if it was anyone. But Tom saw me holding it and thought it was me all along"

Ascot's eyes widen with shock, " Jesus, how are you still alive? I can't imagine if something bad happened to you and it was all because I gave it to a not so smart Ravenclaw douche"

I chuckle lightly, " I guess I got lucky, I did think my blink was going to be my last"

" don't joke about that, you need to stay away from him" he says softly, his tone sounds concerned and not like he's trying to be rude.

" Ascot you don't need to look out for me, I'm fine" I reassure him.

Ascot shifts uncomfortably in his seat, looking up and around and at anywhere that isn't my eyes.

" then why is he staring at us right now?" He says ever so discreetly where he doesn't even move his lips and he says it through his teeth.

I pause before I clock on to his words, then I turn my head to see Tom staring right us, his intense stare makes me predict he's angry, but that's no surprise, I awkwardly give him a small smile and a little wave.

" what are you doing?!" Ascot asks scared.

" what?" I say as Ascot pulls my hand down.

" are you trying to get us killed?!" He whisper shouts scared.

I chuckle lightly, " Ascot relax-"

" no y/n stop, I like you but if I'm being honest, I'm not brave enough to save you from him, so I'm begging you, stop" Ascot says panicking.

I rub my hand on his arm as he takes deep breathes, " Hey it's fine" I say feeling slightly bad. The way Ascot is reacting is like he's more than scared, as if he's had something happen to him before.

Ascot's shoulders and muscles relax by my touch, when I look back up to see if Tom is staring he's vanished.


" Hello!" I say cheerily when I see Tom in the halls, he's walking while reading a book.

Tom doesn't even look up to know it's me.

" what do you want?" He sighs.

" just saying hi" I say while shrugging.

" how'd you know it was me?" I ask.

" no one else has such a high irritating voice" he tells me.

I touch my neck insulted and fall quiet with a gobsmacked expression, he looks up and notices.

" if I knew all I had to do was insult you to shut you up, I would have done it a long time ago" he says before he speedily walks off, escaping me.

I roll my eyes and once again, everyone's eyes are on me, sadly I don't have Ascot by my side to tell them to stop.

" oh get a life" I say scowling at all of them before I walk off, I don't know where I'm heading. It's a Sunday and I don't have any homework due.

I also need to remember that Ascot has other friends and wont be with me 24/7. Sadly for myself, I have no instructions for how to get Tom to ' fall for me' , I'm starting to think it's impossible but I can't beat myself up, I do try and talk to him every time I see him, I can't help that his stubborn self walks away.

I get my steps in and just walk around the castle with my head in the clouds when I pass the prefect bathroom, I stop and stare with shock, so unfair that theirs are so much more glamorous.

With golden and white, so fancy and elegant. The floor colour is odd but clean with half of it painted in a clear red.

But then I see the clear red leaking and flooding closer.

Maybe they're redecorating, I tell myself, and someone has just happened to knock over red paint. The cowardliness in me wants to run and pretend I didn't suspect a thing.

I close and my eyes and walk closer in the bathrooms, gently opening them but I instantly close them again as I let out a gasp of fear at the deadly sight.

I have to control myself and restrict the urge to vomit, Elliot, the blonde Ravenclaw boy, is sprawled out on the floor, his blood escaping his body more and more every second.

His eyes are still open, staring up at the ceiling. I have to cover my mouth to prevent myself from throwing up, I gag at the sight.

I instantly leave clutching my stomach, sprinting so I'm not caught. I don't even know where to go.

I'm concentrating on walking as far as I can reach when I bump into Tom, not even noticing him, that his appearance makes me scream.

" Christ, what is wrong with you?" He asks me.

I breathe heavily as my hands shakes and he notices, I'm scared of him.

" y/n? What is it?" He asks me.

I shake as he walks closer to me, he puts a hand on my shoulder.

" Please don't hurt me" I try to say but it comes out as a whisper.

He frowns at me, " why would you-" he says but then he shakes his head.

" tell me what is going on!" He demands.

I take a deep breath and avoid his eyes, " Elliot..."

Tom shrugs like the name doesn't ring a bell.

" whose that?"

" he's dead, in the prefect bathroom" I say and I gag in my own mouth at the thought of the sight.

Tom's eyes widen like he hasn't heard this news before, he furrows his eyebrows before dragging my hand to come with him.

When we reach the bathroom, Elliot's body is gone. But his blood is still on the floor. Tom creeps around it carefully staring at the ground like he's trying to make sense of the situation.

" It looks like he was right" Professor Dippet suddenly says.

Dumbledore, who is only the transfiguration teacher here, is next to him.

I look at them then back at Tom and he's just as confused as I.

" Tom Riddle you have been accused of this murder" Professor Dippet says.

" what?" Tom immediately responds.

" and y/n y/l/n, you're a suspect, please can you both follow me" they say as they walk.

I panic and I follow Tom who remains calm as we are lead into Dippet's office, he tells us to wait as he has a discussion with other professors outside.

I sit next to Tom on the couch, he sits there bored but I constantly bounce my leg as I chew the nail on my thumb, petrified.

" can you stop that? All I can hear is your shoe hitting the floor" he asks irritated.

I block him out afraid that if I speak I'll cry, my knee continues to bounce out of anxiety as I stare ahead at nothing and try to wait patiently for Professor Dippet to come back inside, wanting this over with.

I feel Tom's hand reach out to hold my leg down.

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now