Chapter 23/ Ending A

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Y/n's POV:

When I return back, it must be morning time or early morning. Because when I knock on Tom's door, he answers it with bed hair and plump lips, rubbing his eyes.

I smile at the sight of him, " I thought you didn't sleep"

" what do you need y/n?" He grumbles in a raspy voice.

" how did you know it was going to be me?" I ask out of curiosity as I know Tom would never open the door to anyone.

" I didn't, wasn't going to" he shrugs.

" but then I wondered what if it was you" he says afterwards making me blush.

" I have to tell you something" I tell him.

" right now?" He asks.

" it's really important" I say.

With a quick action, Tom grabs my hand and pulls me inside his dorm.

" wait here" he says and he heads off to the bathroom, I presume to get ready.

I don't snoop but I wonder around, his dorm is bland and not decorated. A stack high pile of books, some drawings.
He's kept some drawings that he's made from when he was young which touches my heart.

When he walks back out he's ready for the hair and his hair is wet from where he's flattened down his wispy hairs.

" you look nice" I tell him.

He smirks at me, " I hope that's not you buttering me up before telling me bad news"

" smarter than you look" I say with a small grin, he frowns at me but it makes me laugh.

" you find everything funny" he tells me.

" do you expect me to be afraid when you're angry at me?" I say smiling.

" you're annoying y/n"

I laugh before we head out, breakfast isn't ready yet but the common room is somehow empty.

" I know who's framing you"

His eyes widen, " who?"

" do you trust me?" I ask.

He looks at me skeptical but slowly nods, " You're the only person I trust"

" you can't ask me how I know but it's Dumbledore" I admit.

Tom frowns like he's thinking, " that motherfucker" he grunts under his breath.

" I know there's not much we can still do but I had to tell you"

" what do you mean? Let's go! Let's tell Dippet" Tom says as he grabs my wrist.

I let him take me through the halls to Dippet's office but when we reach the hallways, it's packed with professors.

" sorry, all students are inclined to stay in their dormitories today" A professor that I have not seen before says, he must teach a class I don't attend.

" it's him" Dippet says, he shoves the professor out of the way and charges up to him, I grasp Tom's arm as he positions himself in front of me.

" Professor Dippet I -" Tom goes to speak but he gets cut off.

" Tom Riddle, you have killed Jack, Ascot, Elliot and Myrtle, with files and the help of the ministry, you are to be put in Azkaban or be put to death" Professor Dippet says.

" death?!" I cry, I tug on Tom's arm and my strokes me.

" I didn't do it! Dumbledore did" Tom says.

" don't be so ridiculous to accuse the best teacher at this school!" Dippet yells but he also looks scared.

I catch Dumbledore's eye and he disapprovingly and discreetly shakes his head at me.

" he's telling the truth" I butt in.

Slughorn waddles over, placing a hand on Tom's shoulder and looks at me with sympathy.

" My Tommy boy would never do such a thing and if Miss y/n says he didn't, we ought to consider her" He says defending us both.

" don't be fooled Slughorn" Dumbledore says.

" Tom Riddle, you will go to Azkaban" Dippet says.

" no I won't because I didn't do it" Tom says.

" you've been given two choices... Harry" Dumbledore says.

I squint and question if I'm seeing things right when I see Harry walk out.

" Harry?" I whisper.

" who's that?" Tom leans down and whispers in my ear.

Before I can answer him he's pulled away from me by the hidden strength of Dumbledore, Tom doesn't hit back.

" let go!" I hear him grunt.

" Harry, do it" Dumbledore says.

I don't know what's going on but I stare at Harry as my heart hammers, he looks back at me like he's sorry.

" Harry please no" I cry.

Harry holds a knife in his hand and he stares at his like he's unsure, but fury fills his face when I hear Dumbledore whisper and remind him everything Voldemort has done.

" Y/n I-" Tom says.

But his words are cut off when he loses his breath and gasps as the sound of slitted, slashed flesh fills my ears, I watch Tom collapse to the ground as I rush on over.

My eyes sting from my fallen tears, Tom's weak arm attempts to wipe them but I rest his arm down as I hold his hand that's on his chest.

I shake my head, praying to be put out of misery.

" please don't do this to me" I whisper to him and I drop my head on his, his body is motionless on the ground as blood pours out of him.

I go to shake off my cardigan to put pressure on his open wound but he stops me by his weak hands trying to squeeze mine.

" don't" he faintly says.

His skin goes pale and his gorgeous eyes that I always find myself getting lost in are struggling to stay open.

I let my tears onto his face as I cry, treasuring the feeling of his skin on mine for the last time.

His final words a whisper, faint and quiet but he manages to say them to me as he lets me witness his smile.

" I love you y/n"

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now