Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV:

"it's been a nice evening" I say to Ascot, we've been in here a while I'm getting tired.

" don't tell me you're thinking about going bed already?" He says.

I look at him with surprise, " oh come on I know you love going bed early!" I say knowing him well.

He blushes before his next sentence, " yes but I'd choose you over sleep"

Ascot's hand goes onto my ponytail but I stop it and put it back down. I'm telling myself it's because I want my hair up and not because it was Tom who put it up for me.

" Alright love, well you go off to sleep" He tells me.

" where are you going?" I ask him.

" I'm a reader now" he says with a wink.

" I'll be staying here a little longer"

" you're a changed man" I say to him before I get up and walk to the Slytherin common room.

I don't seem Tom on prefect duties and he's not in the Slytherin common room either. I assume perhaps he's gone to his bed.

Thinking of it, I've never once seen Tom walk down from or go to his dorm.


The next morning, I'm late to breakfast so I expect a telling - off from Ascot, for leaving him all by him self.

But when I get there he's nowhere to be seen.

" move" a girl in my year says to me as I stand looking around, I haven't sat down yet.

I move out of the way once I realise I'm standing in the way of everyone, I sit at the end of the table where no one is about.

Then Tom pulls down the book that he was holding up, it was covering his face. I jump.

" you never sit here" he tells me.

" I know I can't find Ascot" I say while still looking around.

All I get in return is a scoff.

" I don't like him" Tom tells me.

" you don't like anyone"

" that's not true" he says defensive for some reason.

" really? Name one person you like" I say.

He doesn't answer.

" that's what I thought" I say.

I keep looking at the doors every time someone walks in but no sign of Ascot.

" there's some people I dislike more, and your ' friend' is one of them" He says with a tone and an emphasis on the word friend.

I sigh and get comfortable, assuming Ascot is coming anytime soon.

" and why is that Riddle?"

Tom frowns at me, " no longer on first name basis? I see how it is" he says sarcastically.

I gawp at him, " did you just make a joke?" I say proudly.

He rolls his eyes but I see a small smile tug at his cheek. It disappears quickly.

A voice that sounds similar to Ascot is produced when I quickly turn my head and I'm disappointed that it's not him.

" maybe your friend has realised how annoying you are" he tells me.

I roll my eyes but smile.

" why are you smiling?" He asks annoyed like he wants me to be offended.

" it would feel weird if you didn't insult me at least once" I tell him.

" do they hurt your feelings?" He asks.

I try not to laugh too hard, " no"

"Should they?" I ask him.

He looks at me for a while before answering.

" no" he says.


Ascot didn't turn up to lessons all day, it was rather lonely without him, it felt strange not having his company, even if it was just hearing his cute laugh.

I tell myself if he doesn't attend anything tomorrow that I'll go to his dorm and ask Dippet but as it's only been a day, I wait and go to the library instead. It's become a routine ' accidentally' meeting Tom in there.

When I enter and his eyes lock with mine I automatically but he turns his head.

" evening" I say sitting next to him cheerful.

" y/n" he says greeting me.

" you look happy" he tells me disgusted.

" you do not" I respond.

" but I suppose you always do" he continues.

" but I suppose you never do" I finish.

He rolls his eyes, " as much as I love ignoring you when you talk, I'm going to need you to be quiet while I read"

" can't you multitask?" I ask him, wanting to speak to someone. Or just him.

He gives me a stern look which is my answer.

" fine" I say and I pick up a new book to read.

Not long after, the doors to the library open and none of us look up as it's a weekday, and students come in and out.

But then a figure stands right in front of us.

I look up and gasp.

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now