Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV:

Tom doesn't even look at me when I leave Headmaster Dippet's office and he's waiting outside, he walks in like he didn't even see me come out. He blows hot and cold it's frustrating.

I have the urge to stand there and wait for him to finish to speak him afterwards and to ask questions but I leave it as I don't want to come across as desperate. But I am, desperate for answers.

With nothing to do for the rest of the day I go the Slytherin common room where Ascot is, he's sat reading a book and I can't myself staring at his veiny hands holding the page.

" oh hey" he says when he sees me.

I flop down beside him, " hi" I say down.

He closes his book shut, " what's wrong?" He asks reading me like a book.

He puts his arm around me but it's resting on the couch as I sit.

" I've just had a chaotic day" I tell him.

" lucky, mines been boring" he says pointing at his book.

" I'd rather have a boring day" I tell him, the thought of reading sounds good but I can't concentrate on anything right now. Maybe later.

" well I have news" he tells me.

" what is it?" I ask hoping it will be positive.

" Slytherin won the Quidditch match" he says.

" oh" I say trying to sound happy but I don't really care.

" that's good, I'll make sure to turn up at the next one" I say.

" you've got too! Our next match will be against Gryffindor and they play dirty, although they don't have Jack as their beater anymore so maybe not" he says.

" yeah..."

" you seem off, are you sure you're alright?" He asks.

" yeah I'm just tired" I lie.

" I tried to find you this morning, where were you?" He asks.

Truthfully I am tired and too tired to think of a believable lie.

" uh, where was I this morning?" I say putting my hand to my head showing that I am tired.

" oh yeah library, it was chaotic in there because all the first years were messing around" I say.

Ascot studies me carefully and I try to not allow my face flush red by thinking of wallpaper.

" makes sense" he finally says.

" I looked for you in the library and didn't see you but like you said there were a lot of first years in there" he says laughing.

" I don't ever remember being that loud in my first year" he says thinking back.

" me neither" I say going along with it.


It took me ages to escape Ascot that he stuck by my side all day, he's such a kind man and not to mention cute but he kept talking and I must be too of a good actor for him to think I was actually interested.

At dinner, I scoff it up fast and eat like I've never been fed before to escape him.

" sorry I haven't been thinking straight today, completely forgot I had homework!" I lie as I pretend to act stressed.

" for what class?" Ascot asks as he's in most of them but not all.

" Divination, I best go to the library, see you tomorrow!" I say pretending I'm in a rush as I leave the Great Hall.

I don't have homework so I have no idea why I'm running but when I reach the library, I sit back against the wall and take a deep breath but once again my peace is ruined.

" stressed?" Tom asks making me jump, he's leant against the door frame with both of his hands in his pockets.

" you could say that" I say breathless.

Tom takes a moment before he pushes himself off the frame and slowly walks to me.

He then takes a seat on the floor next to me, I look at him the whole time, how calm and effortless he moves, and his curls bounce every time.

" you didn't say it was me" he says as he looks back at me, not looking vulnerable but he looks a lot less angry than he normally does.

Shyly, I shrug.

" you said it wasn't you" I tell him.

I see the tiniest smile appear on the corner of his lips but I only catch a glimpse as he turns his head the other way. He waits a moment before turning back around to look at me again, no smile, just composed and neutral.

" so you believed me?" He asks.

I nod without hesitation.

Tom scoffs but this time not in a mean way, " if it was anyone else, they would have said it was me, even if I wasn't there" he tells me.

" even if you told them it wasn't?" I ask to keep him talking.

He ignores my question like the answer is obvious but still speaks, " you could have got me expelled if you lied, you could have framed me"

By his tone I'm not sure if he's wanting a reply back, he sounds as if he's thinking out loud.

" remember what you said earlier about Dumbledore? And my reply?" I ask him gently.

He doesn't say yes and he doesn't nod but he looks at me as if he's waiting for me to continue.

I beckon my head at him, " I lied... I trust you"

I see Tom look at the ground and quietly gulp.

" I can't say the same about you but... I'm glad it was you that found Elliot's body and-" he says.

I give him a small smile and nod approvingly but he acts like his next words are really difficult to say.

He doesn't look me in my eyes when he next talks and he speaks slowly with pauses like he's debating admitting it.

" and... despite you being utterly annoying you're, who I... tolerate the most at this school"

I chuckle at his compliment and smile at him, I give him a playful nudge in the shoulder to which he ignores.

" thank you" I say meaningfully and I can't see his facial expressions because he's looked away.

He gets up at once and leaves the library like we never even spoke, he doesn't seem like the forgetful type but I wonder if he's forgotten what he came in here for as he didn't take a book out with him.

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now