Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV:

The morning after I'm at breakfast with Ascot but before we eat there's an assembly, and Headmaster Dippet is standing waiting for silence.

" apologies to take up your breakfast time however it appears that we have lost a student, 5th year Ravenclaw, Elliot Thomas is no longer with us"

My face falls and people gasp out loud, Ascot chokes on his own spit, I have to pat and rub his back to stop him from coughing.

" We have a memorial for Elliot and we are sending his parents our love" Dippet finishes off his speech and it's awkward when the food appears on the table.

Lots of people begin to gossip including Ascot who pours cereal in his bowl.

" bet it was Riddle" he says and I'm surprised at how loud he's talking.

" I don't think it was" I say casually but Ascot gives me a judgemental look.

"What?" I ask.

" how could you say that?"

" I just don't think it was" I tell him.

" who else would it be? No one is as mental and angry as him"

" Tom killing wouldn't benefit him, not when he's still in school anyway" I try to say with reasoning but Ascot can't respect my opinion.

" it would benefit him, he would be doing it for fun because he's lonely and has no friends" he challenges back.

" so? You're my only friend but when I'm lonely when you're not around I don't kill people for fun"

" yeah but you're not deluded and insane" Ascot is quick to say.

" look, no one has evidence that Tom has ever hurt anyone, it's just his persona that makes people assume it's him" I say.

I could easily join Ascot's side right now and say things that I know would make him laugh but I also know I would feel guilt for not sticking up for Tom and I'm unsure why.

" Has he put you under a spell or something?" Ascot asks me and he feels my forehead for a temperature.

I playfully roll my eyes as I don't want to get in another argument with Ascot but he doesn't let it go.

" it's not a big deal, I think he's just nicer than what people think!"

" nice? I don't know who you've been talking to but it's not Tom Riddle" he tells me.

" what does it matter to you? He's not a peoples person I'm aware but he talks to me, he's not... he's not that insulting" I explain.

" ' that insulting' why are you defending him? And it does matter to me because I don't want to lose you"

" I'm going to lose you first with all the smack you're talking about him, you haven't even tried to whisper!" I say realising he isn't acting as afraid as normal.

Ascot looks at me like he can't believe my words and then he sits up.

" Fine"

" if he's so nice, why don't you go over and sit next to him?" He says as he discreetly points to Tom.

Tom is reading a book with his head down on the end of the table, where he's sat is where it's empty because no one sits near him. They're too afraid to.

I look at him then back at Ascot, he notices my change in body language as I grow uncomfortable.

" go on" he encourages me.

I back down, " it doesn't happen like that..." I say quietly.

Ascot looks at me expectantly and proud that he's won.

" what ever do you mean?" He asks.

" when we talk it's-it's not planned-"

" you mean it's in private?" Ascot interrupts.

" you said the other day how absurd it is that he spoke to me in the hallway, that's not very private" I alert him and he falls quiet.

" fair point but still you're defending him like he's a good person" he carries on.

" can we drop this?" I ask.

" why are you getting defensive?" He asks me softly, he looks like he really doesn't to want to argue either.

" I'm not I just don't want to argue with you, I don't want us to fall out" I tell him as I put my hand on his arm.

" love, I don't want us too either" he agrees.

He shrugs innocently, " I just want to be able to gossip with my friend" he says as he squeezes my cheek with his hand, I laugh pushing it away.

" you can" I remind him.

" just not about him?" He asks.

My silence is his answer.

" do you fancy him?" He asks me.

" no!"

Ascot raises his eyebrows at me, I giggle.

" I don't!" I say again.

" good because you can do better" he says.

And then he leans forward and kisses my forehead.


" where's Slughorn?" I ask Tom when I sit next to him in potions.

" how am I suppose to know?" He responds sarcastically, I roll my eyes.

Tom is staring down at the desk, with arms are on the table and he's fiddling with his own hands.

" are you okay?" I ask.

Tom scoffs, angrily.

" I don't like small talk" he tells me.

" neither do I" I say positively as it's true.

" then stop talking to me" he says.

I frown at his attitude, " it wasn't small talk but it was polite conversation but okay" I say correcting him.

He scoffs again and it irritates me, making me feel like I'm missing out on something or like I'm getting made fun of.

" what now?" I ask.

He shrugs, still avoiding my eye.

" I doubt your boyfriend would approve of you having polite conversation with me"

" boyfriend?" I repeat loud and shocked.

" sorry I'm late class, let's get started shall we?" Slughorn says when he appears late.

" here are your results from last week's report" he says as they are handed out with magic.

While everyone is looking at their scores, I eagerly look at Tom waiting for him to speak again.

" what do you mean ' boyfriend'?" I ask him again.

But he ignores me and analyses his score, re - reading his paper.

And he ignores me the rest of the lesson.

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now